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Swiss Stadler Rail supplies first Zero Emission Trains to the Netherlands. (Wed. 22.11.2017 Smi) Schweizer Stadler Rail liefert erste abgasfreie Zuege nach Holland. $B@.8y$7$F$$$k%9%$%94k6H!V%7%e%?%I%%%i! $B!V(BWINK$B!W$r%*%i%s%@$NE4F;2q $B$,2DG=!#!V(BWINK$B!W$O!VE>492DG=$J3W?7E*C;5wN%DL6PNs $B@~$G$N;HMQ$r0U?^$7$F$$$k!#F1 $B$S$K1Q9q$r;kLn$KF~$l$F$$$k!#?77? $BC_$($k%P%C%F%j!<$bHw$($F$$$k!#:GBgB.EY$OKh;~(B140km$B!#FsItJT@.$N $B%*%i%s%@KLIt$N%l!<%o%k%G%s$H%U%m!<%K%s%2%s4V!"JB$S$K%U%j!<%9%i%s%H=#$H(B $B%U%m!<%K%s%2%s4V$r(B2020$BG/$+$i1?9T$9$k!#$3$N $B$=$l$^$G$K ($B=PE8!'(B2017$BG/(B11$B7n(B22$BF|IU%V%j%C%/;f%*%s%i%$%sHG(B & Stadler Rail$B%a%G%#%"(B The successful Swiss company "Stadler Rail" is supplying 18 new train trains of the new type "WINK" to the Dutch railway company "Arriva Netherlands". The order amounts to 170 Mio. Euro; the trains are operated with "vegetable oil" and thereby enable zero-emission driving. "WINK" means "Convertible Innovative Short-Distance Commuter Train". The newly developed train from" Stadler Rail "is intended to be used primarily on secondary lines with a smaller passenger volume. The Swiss company sees sales opportunities mainly in Western- and Central Europe as well as in Great Britain. The power source of the new train model comes from a diesel engine, powered by hydrogenated "vegetable oil" and is equipped additionally with batteries to store the braking energy. The maximum speed is 140 km per hour. The two-part trains will operate in the north of the Netherlands, on the route between Leeuwarden and Groningen as well as in the provinces of Friesland and Groningen from the year 2020. The train can accommodate up to 275 persons, offering around 150 seats The railway line Leeuwarden-Groningen is to be partially electrified until 2025, until then the vehicles run as zero-emission trains. Afterwards, the diesel engines will be replaced by batteries. Das erfolgreiche Schweizer Unternehmen "Stadler Rail" liefert 18 Eisenbahn-Zuege eines neuen Typs "WINK" an die niederlaendische Bahngesellschaft "Arriva Netherlands". Der Auftrag belaeuft sich auf 170 Mio. Euro; die Zuege werden mit "Pflanzen-Oel" betrieben und ermoeglichen so ein abgas-freies Fahren. "WINK bedeutet "Wandelbarer Innovativer Nahverkehrs-Kurzzug". (Convertible Innovative short- distance Commuter Train). Der neu entwickelte Zug von "Stadler Rail" soll vor allem auf Neben-Linien mit kleinerem Fahrgast-Aufkommen eingesetzt werden. Das Schweizer Unternehmen sieht Absatz- Moeglichkeiten hauptsaechlich in West- und Zentral-Europa sowie in Grossbritannien. Die Kraftquelle des neuen Zugs-Modell kommt von einem, mit hydriertem "Pflanzen-Oel" betriebenen Diesel-Motor und verfuegt zusaetzlich ueber Batterien zur Speicherung der Brems- Energie. Die max. Geschwindigkeit betraegt 140 km/h. Die zwei-teiligen Zuege werden im Norden der Niederlande auf der Strecke zwischen Leeuwarden und Groningen sowie in den Provinzen Friesland und Groningen ab 2020 in Betrieb gehen. Der Zug bietet Platz fuer bis zu 275 Personen, davon sind rund 150 Sitzplaetze. Die Strecke Leeuwarden- Groningen soll bis 2025 teilweise elektrifiziert werden, bis dann verkehren die Fahrzeuge als abgas-freie Zuege. Nachher werden die Diesel-Motoren durch Batterien ersetzt. (Quelle: blick.ch vom 22.11.2017 & Stadler Rail-media) https://www.blick.ch/news/wirtschaft/mit-pflanzenoel-betrieben-stadler-rail-liefert-oeko-zuege-nach-holland-id7634825.html http://www.stadlerrail.com/de/meta/news-medien/article/stadler-lanciert-neue-produktlinie-wink-arriva-als-erstkunde/ http://www.railwaypro.com/wp/stadler-launches-first-zero-emission-train-production/ http://www.arriva.co.uk/media/news/2017/13-11-2017 https://wwwstadlerrailcom-live-01e96f7.s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/filer_public/4b/81/4b81212c-cd66-4d04-8c22-0f82e4169c86/2017_1121_media_release_wink_arriva_en.pdf 2) $BF|K\$N2HB24m5!!"$*6b$O@8$-$k$N$K%+%D%+%D(B (Wed. 22.11.2017 Smi) Family Crisis in Japan: Money is only enough to Survive. Familien-Krise in Japan: Geld genuegt nur zum Ueberleben. $B%9%$%9(BTV-SRF$B$NCsF|7@LsFCGI0w%H!<%^%9!&%7%e%?%k%@!<5- $B $B$+!)7P:Q4m5!$O$3$N9q$r:,K\E*$KJQ$($?!#(B1990$BG/BeF|K\$O7P:Q%P%V%k$,Jx2u$7(B $B$?!#3t$HITF0;:;T>l$,Jx2u$7!"F|K\$O7P:Q4m5!$K4Y$C$?!#$3$N4m5!$+$iF|K\$O(B $BA4$/N)$AD>$C$F$*$i$:!"7P:Q$OD9G/8:B.$7$F$$$k!#$3$N7k2L$,:#F|!" $B$J2a$.$k!W!# $B0BG\@/8"$K$h$k$H!"(B2020$BG/$^$G$KKhG/(B3%$B0z$->e$2$FLs(B9$B%9%$%9%U%i%s(B($BLs(B900$B1_(B) $B$K$J$kH&!*!*DcDB6b$G2HB2$rI^M\$G$-$k$b$N$+El5~7w$G $B$G!"9-$a$N=;5o$H;R6!$N650iHq$N0Y$K6&F/$-$rM>57$J$/$5$l$F$$$k!#J]0i1`$,(B $BITB-$7$F$$$k!#B?$/$NJ]0i1`$G!";R6!C#$OD+Ce$$$?$iG.$r7W$i$J$1$l$P$J$i$J(B $B$$!#;R6!$NG.$,>/$79b$/$J$l$P!"2H$KAw$jJV$5$l$k!#5^$JKt$OD94|$N!VIT:_!W(B $B$ODL>o4?7^$5$l$J$$!#;R6!$rJz$($F@5 $B$k!#F|K\$NO+F/4D6-$O0MA3CK@-$,7A@.$7$F$$$k!#;XF3E*CO0L$K:_$k=w@-$O5)!#(B $BFC$K $B!<$H$7$F $B$C$F$b%Q!<%H%J! The free correspondent of the Swiss TV channel SRF in Japan, Mr. Thomas Stalder, reports on the family crisis in Japan; The headline is entitled "There is hardly time and money for a family". The Journalist Stalder lives and works since 2011 in Tokyo and knows Japan for more than 20 years. Families with small children can barely pull through financially in Japan, what is going wrong in the "Land of the Rising Sun"? The economic crisis has fundamentally changed the country. In the 1990s, the economic bubble burst. The stock- and real estate markets collapsed, and Japan slipped into the economic crisis. Japan has hardly recovered from this crisis, and for years, the economy has slowed down. The results can be seen up to this day in low wages for young employees. In short, "Enough to Survive, too little to Live on." Young couples with only one income can hardly afford children, due to the low wages. Part-time work as known in Europe hardly exists. Young people try to get a permanent job with a 100% contract, otherwise they have to be satisfied with "hourly work." At present, the minimum hourly wage in Japan is about CHF 7.40 (ca. 740 Yen) on the national average.; according to the (Abe)-Government, it shall be increased annually by 3% to around CHF 9.00 (ca. 900 Yen) per hour by the year 2020!! In the metropolis of Tokyo, young people have to think twice whether they can afford a family due to the low wages. Day nurseries and part-time work are almost non-existent in Japan. Due to the low wages, both parents would actually have to work to afford a larger home and the children's education. There is a shortage of day nursery places. In many day nurseries, children have to take the temperature in the morning upon arriving. Has the child a little elevated temperature, it will be sent home. To take a day off at short notice or over a longer period of time is mostly not welcomed. To have children and at the same time having a permanent job is difficult. Not only low wages and a lack of day nursery places lead to a low birth rate, but also different role expectations. The Japanese working world is still shaped by men. Women in leadership positions are rare. Especially younger women are demanding their rights in the society, they want to be accepted as equal partners at the workplace and in a relationship. As a result, to find a suitable partner for women and men has become more difficult. Long working hours with little leisure time complicate the partner search additionally. [WSNH: Premier Abe's gorgeously announced measures have done little so far.] Der freie Korrespondent des Schweizer TV-Sender's SRF in Japan, Thomas Stalder berichtet ueber die Familien-Krise in Japan; die Ueberschrift lautet " Kaum Zeit und Geld fuer eine Familie". Journalist Stalder lebt und arbeitet seit 2011 in Tokyo und Japan kennt er seit mehr als 20 Jahren. Familien mit kleinen Kindern schaffen es in Japan finanziell kaum ueber die Runden, was laeuft schief im "Land der aufgehenden Sonne"? Die Wirtschaftskrise hat das Land grundlegend veraendert. In den 1990er Jahren platzte die Wirtschafts-Blase. Der Aktien- und der Immobilien-Markt brachen zusammen, und Japan rutschte in die Wirtschaftskrise. Von dieser Krise hat sich Japan kaum mehr erholt, jahrelang stockte die Wirtschaft. Die Folge zeigt sich bis heute in tiefen Loehnen fuer junge Angestellte. Kurz gesagt, "Genug zum Ueberleben, zu wenig um zu Leben". Junge Paare mit nur einem Einkommen koennen sich kaum Kinder leisten, wegen der tiefen Loehne.Teilzeit-Arbeit wie man sie in Europa kennt gibt es kaum. Junge Leute versuchen eine Fest-Anstellung mit einem 100% Vertrag zu erhalten, sonst muessen sie sich mit "Stunden-Arbeit" begnuegen". Derzeit betraegt der Mindest-Stunden-Lohn in Japan im Landes- Durchschnitt rund CHF 7.40 (ca. 740 Yen); laut (Abe)-Regierung soll er bis ins Jahr 2020 jaehrlich um 3% auf rund CHF 9.00 (ca. 900 Yen) pro Stunde erhoeht werden!! In der Metropole Tokyo muessen sich junge Leute zweimal ueberlegen, ob sie sich eine Familie leisten koennen wegen der tiefen Loehne. Krippen und Teilzeit-Arbeit gibt es fast nicht in Japan. Aufgrund der tiefen Loehne muessten eigentlich beide Eltern-Teile arbeiten, um sich eine groessere Wohnung und die Ausbildung der Kinder leisten zu koennen. Es gibt einen Mangel an Krippen-Plaetze. In vielen Krippen muessen die Kinder morgens bei Ankunft Fieber-Messen. Hat das Kind ein wenig erhoehte Temperatur, wird es nach Hause geschickt. Kurzfristig oder ueber eine laengere Zeit "Frei-Nehmen" ist meistens nicht gerne gesehen. Kinder und zugleich eine fest Anstellung zu haben, ist daher schwierig. Nicht nur tiefe Loehne und fehlende Krippen-Plaetze fuehren zu einer tiefen Geburtenrate, sondern auch unterschiedliche Rollen-Erwartungen. Die japanische Arbeitswelt ist immer noch von Maennern gepraegt. Frauen in Fuehrungs-Positionen sind selten. Gerade juengere Frauen fordern ihre Rechte in der Gesellschaft ein, sie wollen als gleichwertige Partner am Arbeitsplatz und in einer Beziehung akzeptiert werden. Dies fuehrt dazu, dass die Partner-Suche fuer Frauen und fuer Maenner schwieriger geworden ist. Lange Arbeits-Zeiten mit wenig Freizeit erschweren zusaetzlich die Partner-Suche. [WSNH: Die grossartig angekuendigten Massnahmen von Premier Abe haben bisher wenig bewirkt.] (Quelle: srf.ch vom 22.11.2017) https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/dok/die-liebe-hat-es-schwer-in-japan https://www.oecd.org/japan/39696303.pdf http://www.businessinsider.com/japan-fertility-crisis-2017-4 3) $B%k%D%'%k%s!&%U%'%9%F%#%t%!%k$N7P:Q8z2L$OBg(B (Mon. 20.11.2017) Lucerne Festival is economically very profitable. Lucerne Festival ist volkswirtschaftlich sehr lohnend. $B!V2F!W!"!V%T%"%N!W!"!VI|3h:W!W$HG/(B3$B2s3+:E$5$l$k%/%i%7%C%/!&%3%s%5!<%H(B $B!V%k%D%'%k%s!&%U%'%9%F%#%t%!%k!W$O!"@$3&M-?t$N%/%i%7%C%/2;3Z$N:E$7$K?t(B $B$($i$l$F$$$k!#%6%s%/%H%,%l%sBg3X$,H/I=$7$?$P$+$j$ND4::$O!"7]=Q$KM%$l$F(B $B$$$k$@$1$G$J$/!"7P:QE*$KBg$-$J2ACM$b<($7$?!#(B2015$BG/$3$N:E$7$O!"%k%D%'%k(B $B%s;T$H%+%s%H%s$K(B2,370$BK|%9%$%9%U%i%s$N7P:Q8z2L$r$b$?$i$7$?!#%k%D%'%k%s(B $B7P:Q$KN.F~$7$?(B2,140$BK|%9%$%9%U%i%s$OLs(B10$BK|?M$NK,Ld 1,200$BK|%9%$%9%U%i%s$O8x6&ItLg$N@G<}$@$C$?!#%U%'%9%F%#%t%!%k$,@$3&Cf$N(B $B%K%e!<%9$GJsF;$5$l$k4T858z2L$N2ACM$b(B1,100$BK|%9%$%9%U%i%s$H8+@Q$b$i$l!"(B $B%k%D%'%k%s$N4Q8wN)CO$K$H$C$F$bM-1W!#%k%D%'%k%s!&%U%'%9%F%#%t%!%k$O:b@/(B $BE*$KKX$I<+N)$7$F$$$k!#G/4VM=;;$N<}F~(B2,420$BK|%9%$%9%U%i%s$N(B94%$B$O%9%]%s%5(B $B!l $B%s$K2ACM$,$"$k;v$r<($90Y$K=EMW!#(B ($B=PE8!'(B2017$BG/(B11$B7n(B20$BF|(B&21$BF|IU(B nzz.ch & $B%?!<%2%9!&%"%s%D%!%$%,!<;f(B) The "Lucerne Festival" with its three times a year performing classical concert series "Summer", "Piano" and "Easter" is among the world's most famous classical music events. A recently presented study by the University of St. Gallen shows now, that the festival is not only artistically outstanding, but has also a great economic value. In 2015, the event brought an economic added value of CHF 23.7 Mio. to the City and the Canton of Lucerne. Thereof, CHF 21.4 Mio. was attributable to consumption expenditure of the approximately 100,000 visitors, which flowed into Lucerne's economy. CHF 1.2 Mio. is tax expenditures to the public authority. The value of advertising within the scope of the worldwide news coverage about the festival is estimated at CHF 1.1 Mio.; from it benefits the tourism location Lucerne. The "Lucerne Festival" is largely financially independent. 94% of the annual revenue budget of 24.2 Mio. CHF comes from sponsors, benefactors and visitors. The public authority subsidizes the event with CHF 1.4 Mio. per year. It is important to show that this investment into the "Lucerne Festival" is profitable for the Lucerne economy as well as for the City and the Canton of Lucerne. Das "Lucerne Festival" mit seinen dreimal jaehrlich durchgefuehrten Klassik-Konzert-Reihen "Sommer", "Piano" und "Ostern" gehoert zu den weltweit beruehmtesten Anlaessen der klassischen Musik. Eine gerade vorgestellte Studie der Universitaet St. Gallen zeigt jetzt, das Festival ist nicht nur kuenstlerisch hochstehend, sondern auch volkswirtschaftlich von grossem Wert. Im Jahr 2015 brachte der Anlass der Stadt und dem Kanton Luzern einen wirtschaftlichen Mehrwert von 23,7 Mio. CHF. Davon entfielen 21,4 Mio. CHF auf Konsum-Ausgaben der total rund 100'000 Besucher, welche in die Luzerner Wirtschaft flossen. 1,2 Mio. CHF sind Steuer-Ausgaben an die oeffentliche Hand. Der Wert in Form von Werbung im Rahmen der weltweiten Bericht- Erstattung ueber das Festival wird auf CHF 1,1 Mio. beziffert; dies kommt dem Tourismus-Standort Luzern zugute. Das "Lucerne Festival" ist weitgehend finanziell unabhaengig. Das jaehrliche Einnahmen-Budget von 24,2 Mio. CHF stammt zu 94% von Sponsoren, Goennern und Besuchern. Die oeffentliche Hand subventioniert den Anlass mit 1,4 Mio. CHF pro Jahr. Es ist wichtig aufzuzeigen, dass sich diese Investition ins "Lucerne Festival" fuer die Luzerner Wirtschaft sowie fuer Stadt und Kanton Luzern lohnt. (Quelle: nzz.ch & Tages-Anzeiger print vom 20./21.11.2017) https://www.nzz.ch/schweiz/das-lucerne-festival-ist-ein-wirtschaftsmotor-ld.1330043 https://www.srf.ch/news/regional/zentralschweiz/wertschoepfung-lucerne-festival-22-6-millionen-fuer-volkswirtschaft-und-tourismus https://www.lucernefestival.ch/de/presse/medienmitteilungen https://www.lucernefestival.ch/en/ 4) $B:#=5$N%K%e!<%9!&%U%i%C%7%e(B $B!z(B $BJF%U%)!<%V%9;o$,%9%$%9?M=w@-$r!V(B30$B%"%s%@!<(B30$B!W$N5/6H2H$KA*$V(B US-Forbes Magazine: Swiss Woman among the "30 under 30" Entrepreneurs. 27$B:P$N%9%$%9?M=w@-%l%"!&%U%)%s!a%S%@!<$,!"JF7P:Q;o%U%)!<%V%9$NCxL>$J=g(B $B0LI=!V(B30$B%"%s%@!<(B30$B!W(B2018$BG/$KA*$P$l$?!#F1;o$O@$3&$rJQ$($k(B30$B:P0J2<$N $B%k!&%H%i%C%-%s%0!W$K$h$k=i$N!V%"%t%!!&%Y%S! $B $B%t%'%s%A%c!eD4C#$7$?!#8=:_H`=w$O%5%s%U%i(B $B%s%7%9%3$K=;$s$G$$$k!#!V%7%j%3%s!&%t%!%l! $B$J$N$G!"H`=w$O$3$l$r>h$j1[$($J$1$l$P$J$i$J$$!#%9%$%9$N%F%l%S6I(BSRF$B$O:G(B $B6a!V%7%j%3%s!&%t%!%l!<$N%9%$%9?M=w@-%Q%o! $B$K$D$$$FJsF;$7$?!#(B The 27-year-old Swiss female Lea von Bidder made into the famous ranking of the US-economic magazine Forbes "30 under 30" for 2018. The US-magazine honors the top 30 young entrepreneurs under 30 years with it. Lea von Bidder was listed in the category "Healthcare"; she co- founded the start-up company "Ava". Her research team developed a bracelet that measures the fertility of a woman to help her getting pregnant. The first "Ava-Baby" based on the Ava-Cycle-Tracking was born in the USA in August. The young Swiss woman studied at the Swiss University of St. Gallen, in Lyon, in China, in Montreal and in the USA. Already at the age of 22 years, she founded her first "start-up company". Bidder managed to collect more than 12 Mio. US-Dollars in venture capital for Ava. She currently lives in San Francisco; in the "Silicon Valley", sexism is quite an issue and you have to win recognition. The Swiss TV-station SRF recently reported about her in the program "ECO" with the title "Swiss Women Power in Silicon Valley". (Quelle: tagesanzeiger.ch vom 17.11.2017) https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/wirtschaft/unternehmen-und-konjunktur/Junge-Zuercherin-schafft-es-auf-Forbes-Liste/story/20351298 https://www.srf.ch/play/tv/eco/video/schweizer-frauenpower-im-silicon-valley-lea-von-bidder?id=ba2bb5ff-04e7-43e3-9b80-635baa93b66f&station=69e8ac16-4327-4af4-b873-fd5cd6e895a7 https://www.avawomen.com/media/ https://www.forbes.com/30-under-30/2018/healthcare/#11bac8d7662b $B!z(B $B%9%$%9$N9bNp $BO"K.@/I\E}7W6I(B(BFS)$B$N(B2017$BG/Bh0l;MH>4|$N:G?7D4::$O!"%9%$%9$G(B90%$B0J>e$N@.(B $BG/$,%$%s%?!<%M%C%H$rMxMQ$7$F$$$k;v$r<($7$?!#%9%$%99qL1$NA4$F$NG/NpAX$G(B $B%$%s%?!<%M%C%H$NMxMQ$,A}2C$7$?!#%$%s%?!<%M%C%H$NMxMQ 2017$BG/$K$O(B78%$B$N@$BS$,7HBS$G%$%s%?!<%M%C%H$K@\B3$7$F$$$?!#(B55$B:P$+$i(B64$B:P(B $B$^$G$N(B91%$B$N?M!9$,%$%s%?!<%M%C%H$rMxMQ$7$F$*$j!"$3$l$OBgI}$JA}2C$G!"(B3$BG/(B $BA0$3$N%0%k!<%W$NMxMQ $B$NMxMQ$bA}$($F$$$F!"(B2017$BG/$O>/$J$/$H$b(B3$B?M$K(B2$B?M$N%9%$%9=;L1$,%M%C%HDLHN(B $B$GGc$$J*$r$7$?!#0BA4BP:v$OL5;k$5$l$F$$$F!"%$%s%?!<%M%C%HMxMQ A recent survey by the Federal Statistical Office (BFS) in the first quarter of 2017 shows that 90% of the adults in Switzerland "surf" in the Internet. All age groups of the Swiss population increasingly rely on the Internet. Three years ago, there were only 84% that moved around in the Internet. Almost 9 out of 10 households have Internet access at their place of residence. 78% had mobile Internet access in their household in 2017. 91% of the people aged 55 to 64 years use the Internet. That is a significant increase; 3 years ago, it was only 80% in this group. 77% of the 65- to 74-years-old "surf" today in the Internet; 3 years ago, it was only 62%. Swiss are also increasingly shopping in the Internet; in 2017, two thirds of the Swiss population made at least one purchase in the Internet. The security problem is however neglected; about a third of the Internet users said, they did not use security software. (Quelle: bfs.admin.ch & Tages-Anzeiger print vom 20./21.11.2017) https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home/statistiken/kataloge-datenbanken/medienmitteilungen.assetdetail.3782199.html https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home/statistiken/kataloge-datenbanken/medienmitteilungen.assetdetail.3782202.html http://www.werbewoche.ch/medien/mediennutzung/2017-11-20/zehn-prozent-der-schweizer-bevoelkerung-sind-offline-ue65-gehen $B!z(B $B%9%Z%$%s5D2q$G%i%[%$ Parliament: Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy is welcomed with handcuffs. $B%9%Z%$%s$N%^%j%"!<%N!&%i%[%$ $B$r?6$C$F1i@b$7$?$,!"A0BeL$J9$N=PMh;v$HJs$8$i$l$?!#F15D0w$O!"!V4V$b$J$/(B $B%i%[%$ $BJsF;$,0zMQ$7$?7P:Q!&6bM;HH:aItLg$N7Y;!@UG$ $B;}$r<:$&!#2r;6AmA*5s$G%i%[%$ 2016$BG/$OL$$@(B3%$B0J>e$NF@I<$rF@$F$$$?!#(B There are new indications that shall incriminate the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in the corruption process. A Member of Parliament of the Catalan Republican Left Party, Gabriel Rufian, waved with handcuffs during his speech in the Spanish Parliament; there has never been such a thing, is reported. The Member of Parliament said, "he looks forward to the moment when Prime Minister Rajoy will be led away in such handcuffs soon." According to the Head of the Police for "Economic- and Financial Crimes," quoted by media , the black money cash boxes of the Rajoy-led People's Party (PP) were a "corrupt system in its purest form". There is evidence that even Prime Minister Rajoy regularly received payments from it! The Rajoy Minority Government is losing the support of two opposition parties. In snap-elections, the party of Prime Minister Rajoy could hardly count on more than 30% of the vote; in 2016 it received still 3% more. (Quelle: thelocal.es & Tages-Anzeiger print vom 15./17.11.2017) https://www.thelocal.es/20171115/catalan-politician-pulls-handcuffs-stunt-in-spains-parliament $B!z(B $B%5%&%9%@%3%?$N%Q%$%W%i%$%s$GBg5,LO$J@PL}O3$l(B Large Oil Leak in US-pipeline in the US-Federal State of South Dakota. $BO@Ah$NE*$K$J$C$F$$$kJF9q$N%5%&%9%@%3%?=#$K:_$k%-!<%9%H%s!&%Q%$%W%i%$%s(B $B$G(B80$BK|%j%C%H%k$N86L}$,O3$l$?!#1?1D2q $B;O$a$F$$$k$H=R$Y!"8=>l$G$O(B75$B?M$N:n6H0w$,3hF0$7$F$$$k!#860x$OD4::Cf!#%H(B $B%i%s%9%+%J%@$OEv=i!V5!4o$N8N>c!W$H[#Kf$KOC$7$?!#@/I\5!4X$O!"@n$d8P$d?e(B $BF;%7%9%F%`$,BgNL$NL}O3$l$G1x@w$5$l$?$H$O9M$($F$$$J$$!#JF9q@/I\$NE}7W$K(B $B$h$k$H!"8=:_5/$-$F$$$k%5%&%9%@%3%?$h$jBg5,LO$JL}O3$l$,!"(B2010$BG/0J9_A49q(B $B$G(B17$B7o5/$-$F$$$k!#$3$N%Q%$%W%i%$%s7W2h$O!"0lIt$,?e8;COBS$rDL$kEy!"Hs>o(B $B$K5DO@$NM>CO$,$"$k!#(B At the controversial Keystone-Pipeline in the US-state of South Dakota 800,000 liters of crude oil have leaked. The cleanup efforts have started, said the operator company "TransCanada"; there are 75 workers in the field in action. The cause is being investigated; "TransCanada" spoke at first vaguely of a "failure of the equipment". Government agencies do not "believe" that rivers, lakes or drinking water systems have been contaminated by the large leak. According to US-Government figures, there have been 17 leaks nationwide since 2010, which were larger than the current one in South Dakota. The pipeline project is highly controversial because, among other things, it would lead partly through a water reservoir area. (Quelle: srf.ch vom 17.11.2017) https://www.srf.ch/news/international/800-000-liter-oel-ausgelaufen-aufraeumarbeiten-nach-pipeline-leck http://www.20min.ch/ausland/news/story/800-000-Liter--l-laufen-nach-Leck-aus-19096438 https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/17/us/keystone-pipeline-transcanada-leak.html http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/keystone-pipeline-leak-oil-south-dakota-xl-latest-a8059646.html $B(,%9%$%9$N NZZ = Neue Zuercher Zeitung$B!J%9%$%9FH8l7P:Q;f!K(B cash =$B!J%*%s%i%$%s!&%S%8%M%9;f!K(Bhttp://www.cash.ch/ 20min = 20min Pendler Zeitung$B!J(B20$BJ,!'DL6P SRF1 = $B%9%$%98x6&J|Aw(BTV$B!'(Bhttp://www.tagesschau.sf.tv/ $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Travel, Events, Others / $BN99T!&:E$7J*!&$=$NB>![(B $B!z(B Swiss TV: Focus JAPAN (2/3), Doku series on Friday. (Info). $B%9%$%9(BTV$B!'%I%-%e%a%s%?%j! Episode Two: On the Way in Japan; SRF 1 at 21:00h, November 24, 2017. https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/fokusjapan/fokus-japan-unterwegs-mit-patrick-rohr-2-3 https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/fokusjapan/fokus-japan-unterwegs-mit-patrick-rohr-3-3 http://patrickrohr.com/news Book of Doku: https://shop.beobachter.ch/buchshop/alltag-freizeit/japan $B!z(B "Love has a hard Time in Japan", Documentary film. (Info) $B%U%i%s%9?M%"%s%H%o!<%L!&%i%C%;!<%K%e4FFD$N(BTV$B%I%-%e%a%s%?%j!<(B $B!VF|K\$G0&$O6lO+$N https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/dok/liebesnoete-in-japan $B!z(B Preview! Japanese Movie soon in the Cinema. (Info) $BF|K\1G2h6aF|>e1G!'!V8w!W2OzsD>H~4FFD!!(B2017$BG/%+%s%L1G2h:W^:nIJ(B "Hikari" (Radiance) by the Japanese director Kawase Naomi. A touching love story. Awarded at Festival de Cannes 2017. From December 28, 2017 at the Cinema. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AEJh47CyDA http://www.kawasenaomi.com/kumie/ https://www.filmcoopi.ch/movie/radiance $B!z(B New! Nihon-cha (Green TEA) Cafe by Uji-seicha in Sapporo (Info) $B;%KZ!'1'<#@=Cc$N?<>x$7Cc(B Newly opened in Sapporo, Toyohira-ku near Tsukisamu-Onsen. Have a look. http://www.uji-tea.co.jp/sarai/sarai.html https://www.facebook.com/cafe.sarai/ Delicious Green Tea or Tatan-Sobacha; personally recommended. http://www.uji-tea.co.jp/soba/sobacha.html $B!z(B St Nicholas (Samichlaus) Events 2017 Zurich (Info) $B%D%e!<%j%C%R!'(B2017$BG/EY%5%s%?$N%$%t%'%s%H(B Zurich: Sunday November 26, 17:00h. Details here: https://chlaus-zuerich.ch/aktivitaeten/chlaus-einzug.html Kuessnacht am Rigi: December 5, 2017, 20:15h Details here: http://www.klausjagen.ch/index.de.html $B!z(B Christmas Markets in Lake Geneva region (Info) $B%l%^%s8PHJCO0h$N%/%j%9%^%9;T(B https://www.bythelake.ch/les-marches-de-noel-tout-pour-les-yeux-les-papilles-et-la-joie-detre-ensemble/?ct=t(Newsletter_51_LISTE_GENERALE9_10_2015) https://www.montreuxnoel.com/fr-7-le-marche-de-noel.html https://www.bo-noel.ch/ $B!z(B Christmas Markets in Switzerland. (Info) $B%9%$%93FCO$N%/%j%9%^%9!&%^!<%1%C%H(B https://www.myswitzerland.com/de-ch/veranstaltungen.html?strubrik=2161 $B!z(B Look Back to First Swiss Digital Day of this Week. (Info) $B%9%$%9=i$N%G%8%?%k!&%G%$(B https://digital.swiss/en/events/digital-day $B!z(B Earthquake in Central Switzerland (Zug region) this week. (Info) $BCf1{%9%$%9$N%D!<%/!':#=5%^%0%K%A%e!<%I(B3.3$B$NCO?L$,H/@8(B Magnitude of 3,3 on Richter Scale. Details: http://www.zugerzeitung.ch/nachrichten/zentralschweiz/zug/in-zug-hat-die-erde-gezittert;art93,1143017 http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/de/earthquakes/switzerland/last-90-days/ $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Noteworthy Information / $BCmL\>pJs(B $B![(B $B!z(B IWJ$B!'?9M'LdBj!"H~JB5A?M!&6a5&:bL36ID9$K9pH/>u!V9qM-CO$K`laS!J7g4Y!K(B $B$,$J$$$N$KCM0z$-$7$?!WGXG$MF5?$r;TL1CDBN$,Ds=P(B 2017.11.22 http://iwj.co.jp/wj/open/archives/405997 $B!z(B $BF|K\$r $B $B!z(B $BH>JbA0$X!'2C7W$N=C0e3XIt$N?7@_G'2D$K!VGr;fE12s!W$N62$l!*(B http://www.asyura2.com/17/senkyo236/msg/148.html $B!z(B $BF|4)%2%s%@%$!'$D$$$K;O$^$C$?(B $BLnE^D6E^GI$G!H;m?%$5$s%l%$%W!IE0DlDI5Z!#(B http://www.asyura2.com/17/senkyo236/msg/206.html $B!z(B $B85%i%0%S! http://www.sumufumulab.jp/sumufumulab/column/writer/w/6 http://www.asyura2.com/17/senkyo236/msg/228.html $B!z(B simatyan2$B!'$I$s$I$s0- $B!z(B $B2+J8M:!'BfOQ$,9q:]5!4X$+$i http://www.mag2.com/p/news/330471?l=boc00bea8e $B!z(B $B?{Ln40!'0BG\Fb3U$r;YG[$9$kF|K\2q5D$NLL!9!#(B $B%7%j!<%:!ZAp$N:,J] https://hbol.jp/25122 $B!z(B $B%/%80z$-$J$s$FBg13$@!*(B $B8!;!?3::2q$N?3::0w$O$3$&$7$FA*$P$l$^$9!*(B http://www.asyura2.com/10/senkyo91/msg/858.html $B!z(B $B8=Be%S%8%M%9!'!V6d9T>CLG!W$O!"$3$s$J=gHV$G%8%o%8%o?J9T$9$k!#(B $B$_$:$[!VBgNL?M0w:o8:!W$G8= $B!z(B $BE7LZD>?M!'L1?JJ,Nv$r8!>Z$7$?D+F|$N5-;v$,65$($F$/$l$k;v(B http://www.asyura2.com/17/senkyo235/msg/895.html $B!z(B $BF|4)%2%s%@%$!'F|K\$,<|$o$lB3$1$k!VJF9q@jNN2<$N@oAh6(NOBN@)!W$N@5BN(B $BLpIt9(<#;a(B $BCmL\$N?MD>7b%$%s%?%S%e!<(B http://www.asyura2.com/17/senkyo236/msg/117.html $B!z(B $BF|4)%2%s%@%$!'0BG\308r$N%D%1(B $B:#$4$m92$F$FCf9q!V0lBS0lO)!W;22C$NBgCQ!#(B http://www.asyura2.com/17/senkyo236/msg/125.html $B!z(B $BNd@t>4I'!'JFCf$G(B28$BC{1_!"%H%i%s%W$H=,6aJ?$K!V http://www.mag2.com/p/news/329928?l=cke0feb0ef $B!z(B $BBgB $B!z(B $BF|!9;(46!'I|6=;v6H$r?)$$J*$K$9$k@/<#20$?$A$r@/3&$+$iC!$-=P$;!#(B http://www.asyura2.com/17/senkyo235/msg/808.html $B!z(B $B!cB9:j(B $B5};a!d(B $B%H%i%s%W;a!VF|K\$OJF9q$,C4$C$F$-$?7PHqJ'$$La$9!W$H(B $BH/8@!#JF73$NF|K\CsN1$OF|K\KI1R$,L\E*$G$O$J$$!#(B http://www.asyura2.com/17/senkyo235/msg/879.html $B!z(B $B:XF#K~!'=P2q$C$F(B5$BIC$GA}@G!#0BG\AmM}$K!V9qL1$$$8$a!W$r%3%_%C%H$5$;(B $B$?GX8e$NNO!#!J$=$l$OJF9q!K(B http://www.mag2.com/p/money/337508?utm_medium=email&utm_source=mag_W000000204_sun&utm_campaign=mag_9999_1119&l=cke0feb0ef $B!z(B $B%G%b%/%i%7!<%?%$%`%9!'0G$H;`3Q(B $BFCJLJT(B $B;3ED8|;K$ND)@o(B〜$B;TL1!\LnE^(B $B$NA*5sBN83!#7P83$,KdKW$9$k$N$O$b$C$?$$$J$$!#BN83$r;TL1$KA*5s$r https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ1p-c6gvZ0&feature=youtu.be $B!z(B $BJ]B8J}K!$^$H$aBb!'$"$J$?$N?)$Y$F$k$=$NLn:Z!&2LJ*!*(B $B;DN1G@Lt$OBg>fIW!)$A$c$s$H0BA4$C$F8@$($^$9$+!)(B https://$BJ]B8J}K!(B.com/vegesafe/ $B!z(B $BJ?6QG/<}(B.jp$B!'G/<}$,(B1000$BK|1_0J>e$N $B!z(B buzzap$B!'?@8M;T$N http://buzzap.jp/news/20171120-xmas-tree-kobe/ $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Proverbs of the Week / $B:#=5$N8A(B $B![(B $B!Z(BD$B![(BDer Krieg bestimmt nicht, wer recht hat, nur wer uebrig ist. $B!Z(BE$B![(BWar does not determine who is right, only who is left. (Anonymous Quote) $B@oAh$,7h$a$k$N$O!"C/$,@5$7$$$+$G$O$J$/!"C/$,;D$k$+$@$1!#(B $B!Z(BD$B![(BDie meisten Menschen wuerden lieber sterben als denken und viele von ihnen tun es. $B!Z(BE$B![(BMost people would rather die than think and many of them do. (Bertrand Russell, British philosopher & mathematician, 1872/1970) $BBgDq$N?M$O9M$($k$h$j;`$rA*$S!" $B!Z(BD$B![(BDenke Global, Trink Lokal. $B!Z(BE$B![(BThink Global, Drink Local. (Swiss Craft Beer Maker from Zug, Mr. Martin Uster jr.) https://www.brauereibaar.ch/home.html $BCO5e$r9M$($FCO85$NJ*$r0{$a!#(B $B!z(B Highlights of the Week/$B:#=5$N1GA|%O%$%i%$%H(B: - Impressive Photgraphs by Swiss Eye Witness at SRF Meteo: https://www.srf.ch/meteo/meteo-news/bilder-von-srfaugenzeugen-die-top-3 $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Information / $B$*CN$i$;(B $B![(B from our sister mail magazine jp-Swiss-journal $B!z(B Vol. 175 will be soon issued. $B!Z(BJ$B![(B2017$BG/(B09$B7n(B24$BF|9qL1EjI<$N7k2L$H$=$N8e$N7P0^(B $B!!!!(B $B!V?)NH0BA4J]>cO"K.Na!W$H!V9qL1G/6b2~3W(B2020$BO"K.K!!W(B2$B0F(B $B!Z(BE$B![(B The results and developments of the Popular Vote $B!!!!!!(Bon September 24, 2017 $B!!!!(B "Food Security by Federal Law" $B!!!!(B "National Pension Reform 2020 by Federal Law" two bills $B!!(B $B!!!!!!!!(B *$B!!(B*$B!!(B* Please register your subscription at following distribution system. $B$3$N%a%k%^%, $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B from Editor's Room / $BJT=88e5-(B $B![(B 1) $B>.5,LO$+$i;O$a$F=y!9$K3W?7E*5;=Q$r3+H/!&H/E8$5$;$F$$$/!#$3$l$,>.(B $B9q%9%$%9$N6/$_$@$,!" $B%k%W%9$N4Q8wCO$K9T$C$?@^!"BgB??t$N4Q8w5R$OCf9q?M$H4Z9q?M$G2$JF?M$r05(B $BE]$7$F$$$?!#F|K\?M$O$?$^$K8+$+$1$k$@$1$@$C$?!#F|K\$NDB6b?e=`$NDc$5$O(B $B?R>o$G$O$J$$!#$3$l$r5?Ld$K;W$o$:A*5s$GM?E^$KEjI<$7$?$j!"A*5s$K$5$(9T(B $B$+$J$$ $B3Z2H$NC/$,Mh$k$N$+%a%G%#%"$,Bg$-$/ $B6[=L:b@/$rH/I=$7$?:]!"%k%D%'%k%s8r6A3ZCD$NCD0w$,Jd=u6b%+%C%H$KH?BP$9(B $B$k0U;WI=<($N0Y$K;TFb$GO)>e1iAU2q$r$7$?%K%e!<%9$,5-21$K?7$7$$!#%/%i%7(B $B%C%/2;3Z$K$3$s$J$K<}1WNO$,M-$C$?$H$O!*(B(A.H.) Japanese translation: Akiko Huerlimann $B""(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,""(B $B(.(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(/(B $B(-!Z(BDistribution system/$BH/9T%7%9%F%`![(BNumber of readers: 1,316 $B(-(B Subscribe & Unsubscribe / $BEPO?!&2r=|!&%"%I%l%9JQ99(B $B!z(B Melma: http://www.melma.com/backnumber_40438/ $B!z(B Mailux:$B!!(Bhttp://www.mailux.com/mm_dsp.php?mm_id=MM49D0B8FB9C4B4 $B!z(B Mag2: http://www.mag2.com/m/0000025024.htm & etc. $B!J%a!<%k$N%W%m%P%$%@!<$,(B<Bluewin>$B$N>l9g$O!"(BMag2$B$+$i$NG[?.$,;_$a$i$l(B $B!!$F$$$^$9!#(Bgmail$B$H(BYahoo!$B%a!<%k$OG[?.$5$l$k;v$r3NG'$7$F$$$^$9!#!K(B $B(1(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(0(B $B!z(B Issuer/$BH/9T85(B: Thomas Huerlimann & Editors' Group swiss_news_headlines@bluewin.ch Copyright (C) 1998-2017 Thomas Huerlimann / Weekly Swiss News Headlines (WSNH) $B!z(B Only the information source is chosen from Swiss media by Thomas Huerlimann; the text is written with his own words in German and English. Editor's group makes Japanese translation. $B%9%$%9$N%a%G%#%"$+$i>pJs$N$_$r87A*$7!"%H!<%^%9!&%R%e!<%j%^%s$,<+?H$N(B $B8@MU$GFH8l!&1Q8l$KMWLs$7$?$b$N$K!"JT=8%0%k!<%W$,OBLu$rIU$1$F$*FO$1$7(B $B$F$$$^$9!#(B $B(.(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(/(B $B(-!Z(B jp-Swiss-journal $B![(B Sister Mail Magazine $B(-(B $BF1$8$/B?8@8l$NEj9F%(%C%;!O@$rH/9T!#(B Number of readers: 302 $B!z(B Melma: http://www.melma.com/backnumber_41022/ $B!z(B Mailux:$B!!(Bhttp://www.mailux.com/mm_dsp.php?mm_id=MM49D642ECE442D $B!z(B Mag2: http://www.mag2.com/m/0000044048.htm & etc. $B!J%W%m%P%$%@!<$,(B<Bluewin>$B$N>l9g$O!"(BMag2$B$+$i$NG[?.$,;_$a$i$l$F$$$^$9!#(B $B!!(B gmail$B$H(BYahoo!$B%a!<%k$OG[?.$5$l$k;v$r3NG'$7$F$$$^$9!#!K(B $B(1(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(0(B |