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Tiefe Getreide-Preise dank Russland. (Thu. 11.05.2017 Smi) $B>CHq $B$N(B5$BG/O"B3Dc2A3J?d0\$,;T>l$N6%Ah$r7c2=$5$;$F$$$k!#$3$l$O$3$l$^$G@$3&:G(B $BBg$N9rJ*@8;:9q$@$C$?JF9q$K$ODK $BBg$N>.G~M"=P9q$K$J$k$HJFG@L3>J(B(USDA)$B$O8@$&!#$7$+$7@$3&$N9rJ*;T>l$rD9G/(B $B;YG[$7$F$-$?JF9q$NG@2H$O!"Fn%"%a%j%+$N05NO$b $BG/4{$KJF9q$K $B$GJF9q$NM"=P@$3&%7%'%"$O(B70$BG/Be$KHf$Y$F(B50%$B6/$K$^$GDc2<$7$?!#%V%i%8%k$H(B $B%m%7%"$NBg5,LO9L:nCO$,@$3&;T>l$N $BH>CM0J2<$K$J$C$?!#BgF&$b2A3J$OF1MM$N>u67$@!#A}$(B3$1$k@$3&?M8}$N:#8e$N(B $B?)NH$b5-O?E*$JBgNL$N9rJ*:_8K$N$*1"$G3NJ]$5$l$F$$$k!#$3$l$OEY=E$J$k5$>](B $B:R32$,$"$i$f$k7W2h$rJ$$5$J$$$H$$$&>r7o2<$G$N?dDj!#%m%7%"$G$O(B10$BG/A0G@CO(B $B$NGdGc$,<+M32=$5$l!"$=$N8e6d9T$HEj;q2H$,G@6H$K;2F~$7!"G@6H$,6aBe2=$5$l(B $B$?!#Bg5,LOG@6H$,5/6H$5$l!"Nc$($P9u3$1h4_$G$O(B4$BK|%X%/%?!<%k$rMJ$9$k$b$N(B $B$b$"$k!#$=$N$h$&$J;v6H=j$G$O(BGPS$B$G%H%i%/%?!<$rA`:n$7!"(B3$B8rBe$G:n6H$7$F$$(B $B$k!#%m%7%"$G$O<+M32=8e>.G~$N<}3ONL$O(B60%$BA}2C$7$?!#%H%&%b%m%3%7$N:OG]LL(B $B@Q$b(B3$BG\$K$J$C$?!#0B$$DL2_(B($B%k!<%V%k(B)$B$HDc$$@8;:%3%9%H$N$*1"$G!"%m%7%"$O(B $B@$3&;T>l$G$N6%AhNO$,6/$/$J$C$?!#?)IJ6H3&$O:#8e$N2A3JDc2<$r4|BT$7$F!"=P(B $BMh$k$@$1>/NL$r9XF~$7$F$$$k!#Dc2A3J$N0Y!"JF9q$G$OG@2H$NE];:$NGH$r7Y9p$7(B $B$F$$$k!#(B ($B=PE8!'(B2017$BG/(B5$B7n(B11$BF|IU%?!<%2%9!&%"%s%D%!%$%,!<;f%*%s%i%$%sHG(B) Pleasant news for consumers; record-high stocks and the competition on the market mean that prices for wheat, corn and soya remain low (favorable) for the fifth year in a row. This is bad news for the USA, the world's largest grain producer so far. In 2016, Russia, for the first time in decades, has overtaken the USA in exporting wheat. In 2017, Russia will also replace the European Union (EU) as the world's largest exporter of wheat, says the US-Department of Agriculture (USDA). The US-farmers who controlled the world market for grain for a long time came also under pressure from South America. As early as 2012, Brazil has replaced the USA as the world's largest soybean exporter. When it comes to the export of corn, Brazil is to be the No. 2 after the USA this year. The US-share on the worldwide exports of wheat, soybeans and corn has reduced by 50% since the 1970s. The large cultivation areas in Brazil and Russia lead to favorable prices on the world market. Since the bursting of the commodity speculative bubble five years ago, corn and wheat cost now less than half in the wholesale trade than before. With the soybeans it looks similiar in price. The feeding of the growing world population is thus ensured for the next years, also thanks to the record high grain reserves. This is under the condition that not a series of weather disasters will reverse any planning. In Russia, 10 years ago, the purchase and sale of farmland was liberalized. Banks and investors have then entered the agricultural business and the agriculture was modernized. Large farms have been established, for example on the Black Sea coast; some have an area of 40,000 hectares. Such an operated farm works with GPS- controlled tractors in a three-shift cycle. The wheat harvest has increased by 60% since the liberalization in Russia. The cultivation area of corn has tripled too. Thanks to the favorable currency (Rubel) and low production costs, Russia is very competitive on the world market. The food industry buys as little as possible, as it hopes for further falling prices. Because of the low prices, it is warned of a bankruptcy wave among "farmers" in the USA. Erfreuliche Nachrichten fuer die Konsumenten,;rekord-hohe Vorraete und die Konkurrenz auf dem Markt fuehren dazu, dass die Preise fuer Weizen, Mais und Soja das fuenfte Jahr in Folge tief (guenstig) bleiben. Dies ist schlecht fuer die USA, der bisher weltweit groesste Getreide-Produzent. Im Jahr 2016 hat Russland, erstmals seit Jahrzehnten die USA beim Export von Weizen ueberholt. Im 2017 soll Russland auch die Europaeische Union (EU), als weltweit groessten Weizen-Exporteur abloesen, sagt das US-Agrar-Ministerium (USDA). Die US-Farmer, welche den Welt-Markt fuer Getreide lange Zeit beherrschten, kommen jedoch auch aus Suedamerika unter Druck. Brasilien hat schon 2012 die USA als welt-groessten Soja-Exporteur abgeloest. Beim Export von Mais soll Brasilien die Nummer 2 nach den USA werden dieses Jahr. Der US-Anteil am weltweiten Export von Weizen, Soja und Mais hat sich um gut 50% reduziert seit den 70ziger-Jahren. Die grossen Anbau-Flaechen in Brasilien und Russland fuehren zu guenstigen Preisen auf dem Weltmarkt. Seit dem Platzen der Rohstoff- Spekulations-Blase vor 5 Jahren, kosten Mais und Weizen heute weniger als die Haelfte im Grosshandel als vorher. Bei den Soja-Bohnen sieht es preislich aehnlig aus. Die Ernaehrung der wachsenden Welt- Bevoelkerung ist also fuer die naechsten Jahre sichergestellt, auch dank den rekord-hohen Getreide-Vorraeten. Dies unter der Vorraussetzung, dass nicht eine Serie von Wetter-Katastrophen jede Planung umstoesst. In Russland wurde vor 10 Jahren, der Kauf und Verkauf von Ackerland liberalisiert. Darauf stiegen Banken und Investoren ins Agrar-Geschaeft ein und die Landwirtschaft wurde modernisiert. Es sind riesige Landwirtschafts-Betriebe entstanden, zum Beispiel an der Schwarz-Meer-Kueste; einzelne haben eine Flaeche von 40'000 Hektaren. Ein solcher Betrieb arbeitet mit GPS-gesteuerten Traktoren im Drei-Schicht-Betrieb. Die Weizen-Ernte hat um 60% zugenommen seit der Liberalisierung in Russland. Die Anbau-Flaeche von Mais hat sich ebenfalls verdreifacht. Dank der guenstigen Waehrung (Rubel) und tiefen Produktions-Kosten ist Russland auf dem Weltmarkt sehr wettbewerbs-faehig. Die Nahrungs-Mittel-Industrie kauft moeglichst wenig ein, da sie auf weiter fallende Preise hofft. Wegen den tiefen Preisen, wird vor einer Konkurswelle unter "Farmern" in den USA gewarnt. (Quelle: tagesanzeiger.ch vom 11.05.2017) http://www.igc.int/en/Default.aspx http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/wirtschaft/standard/Russland-drueckt-die-Getreidepreise/story/16154085 https://www.country-guide.ca/2016/12/20/are-canadian-farmers-ready-to-go-toe-to-toe-against-russian-wheat/50031/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-06/russia-upends-world-wheat-market-with-record-harvest-exports 2) $BJF(BUBER$B$,?<9o$J4m5!$HHcH=$K;/$5$l$F$$$k(B US-Uber company in serious crisis and in the criticism. US-Uber in ernster Krise und in der Kritik. (Sat. 13.05.2017 Smi) $BJF9q4k6H!V(BUber$B!W$O%9%^!<%H%U%)%s$N%"%W%j$GN95RM"Aw$rDs6!$9$k2q $B6H0w$KBP$9$k7y$,$i$;!#!V(BUber$B!W$N!VE(0U$KK~$A$?6u5$!W$O$3$NDx=i$a$F8xA3(B $B$HEj;q2H$+$i$b1T$/HcH=$5$l$?!#$3$l$O!V7y$,$i$;$d6 $B$r=P$7B3$1$F$*$j!"A0G/(B(2016$BG/(B)$B$OB;<:$,(B28$B2/%I%k$KC#$7$?!#!V(BUber$B!W$OJF4k(B $B6H!V(BLyft$B!W$dCf9q4k6H!V(BDidi Chuxing$B!W$H$$$&6%AhAj $B$F$$$k!#%=%U%H%P%s%/$O:G6a(B50$B2/%I%k$rCf9q4k6H!V(BDidi Chuxing$B!W$K=P;q$7$?!#(B 500$B2/%I%k$G!V(BDidi$B!W$O!V(BUber$B!W$H$[$\F1DxEY$N4k6H2ACM$K$J$j!"!V(BDidi$B!W$O(B $B9q:]E*$K@.D9$r2CB.$7$?$$$H9M$($F$$$k!#%5%s%U%i%s%7%9%3$N:[H==j$O:#=5%0(B $B!<%0%k$N;R2q $B<+F01?E>5;=Q$r8&5f$7$F$$$k!#$3$l$O!V(BUber$B!W$K$H$C$F!V;`3hLdBj!W$K$J$k!#(B $B!V<+F01?E> $B;vBV$@!#!V(BUberPOP$B!W$O%U%i%s%9$H%9%Z%$%s$G$O0cK!$@!#!V(BUber$B!W$N%S%8%M%9(B $B%b%G%k$X$NIT?.46$OJF9q$NB?$/$NET;T$G3HBg$7$F$$$k!#(B ($B=PE8!'(B2017$BG/(B5$B7n(B13$BF|IU%?!<%2%9!&%"%s%D%!%$%,!<;f%*%s%i%$%sHG(B) The US-company "Uber" is a service company, which offers transportation based on mobile Apps. The US-company had previously been criticized for its corporate culture, for example the harassment of female employees at Uber. The "poisoned atmosphere" at "Uber" was now even heavily criticized in public by "Uber-investors" for the first time. They were disappointed about the existing "Uber" culture of "intimidation and harassment". "Uber" is valued with US-Dollar 69 billion, but produces ever-increasing losses; last year (2016) the loss reached 2.8 billion US-Dollars. "Uber" gets more and more competition by the US-company "Lyft" and the Chinese company "Didi Chuxing". The SoftBank Group has recently invested 5 billion US- Dollars in the Chinese company "Didi Chuxing". With US-Dollar 50 billion, "Didi" is evaluated almost as high as "Uber"; "Didi" wants to accelerate the international growth. An US-court in San Francisco, has rejected an out-of-court agreement between the "Google subsidiary" "Waymo" and "Uber" this week. It is about a dispute over the presumed theft of self-drive technology by "Uber". Google has been researching self-drive technology since 2009; it is spoken of an "existential threat" for "Uber" in that matter. It is clear that "self-propelled cars" will be more beneficial than "Uber-cars with drivers". Besides, a general lawyer at the "EU-Court of Justice" also ruled that "Uber" is not an information service provider, but a classical taxi company. That will have corresponding effects for "Uber" in the EU-countries (licenses etc.). The service "UberPOP" is illegal in France and Spain. The mistrust of the business model of "Uber" reaches more and more cities in the USA. Die US-Firma "Uber" ist ein Dienstleistungs-Unternehmen, welches Dienste zur Personen-Befoerderung via Smartphone App anbietet. Die US-Firma stand bereits frueher in der Kritik wegen ihrer Unternehmenskultur, es ging zum Beispiel um die Belaestigung von weiblichen Mitarbeitern bei Uber. Die "vergiftete Stimmung" bei "Uber" wurde jetzt sogar erstmals auch von "Uber-Investoren" oeffentlich stark kritisiert. Diese zeigten sich enttaeuscht von der bei "Uber" existierenden Kultur von "Einschuechterung und Belaestigung". "Uber" wird mit 69 Mrd. US-Dollar bewertet, produziert jedoch immer groessere Verluste; letztes Jahr (2016) erreichte der Verlust 2,8 Mrd. US- Dollar. Uber erhaelt immer mehr Konkurrenz durch die US-Firma "Lyft" und die chinesische Firma "Didi Chuxing". Die SoftBank Group hat kuerzlich 5 Mrd. US-Dollar in die chinesische Firma "Didi Chuxing" investiert. Mit 50 Mrd. US-Dollar ist "Didi" fast so hoch bewertet wie "Uber"; "Didi" will das internationale Wachstum beschleunigen. Ein US- Gericht in San Francisco, hat diese Woche eine ausser-gerichtliche Einigung zwischen der "Google-Tochter" "Waymo" und "Uber" abgelehnt. Es geht beim Streit um den mutmasslichen Diebstahl von Selbstfahrt- Technologie durch "Uber". Google forscht seit 2009 an der Selbstfahrt- Technik; es wird von einer "existenziellen Bedrohung" von "Uber" gesprochen. Es ist erkennbar, dass "selbst fahrende Autos" guenstiger werden, als "Uber-Autos mit Fahrern". Ein General-Anwalt am "EU- Gerichtshof" hat zudem entschieden, dass "Uber" nicht ein Informations-Dienstleister sei, sondern ein klassisches Taxi- Unternehmen. Dies wird entsprechende Auswirkungen haben fuer "Uber" in den EU-Laendern (Lizenzen etc.). Das Angebot "UberPOP" ist in Frankreich und Spanien illegal. Das Misstrauen gegenueber dem Geschaefts-Modell von "Uber" erreicht immer mehr Staedte in den USA. (Quelle: tagesanzeiger.ch vom 13.05.2017) http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-investors-idUSKBN1622UY http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/wirtschaft/standard/Drunter-und-drueber-bei-Uber/story/22981305 https://www.srf.ch/news/wirtschaft/sexismus-bei-startups-kein-einzelfall https://finance.yahoo.com/news/judge-refers-theft-allegations-against-031721160.html http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uber-tech-court-idUSKBN1870SO http://money.cnn.com/2017/04/14/technology/uber-financials/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-05-09/softbank-unit-invested-2-billion-in-didi-s-record-funding-round 3) $B%D%e!<%j%C%R$OET;T9[;3$N6b(B25kg$B$KCmL\(B (Wed. 17.05.2017 Smi) Urban Mining: City of Zurich doesn't throw away 25kg gold any longer. Urban Mining: Stadt Zuerich wirft 25kg Gold nicht mehr weg. 2016$BG/%D%e!<%j%C%R;T$O!">F5Q3%$N9[^h$+$i(B25kg$B0J>e$N6b$r2s<}$9$k;v$,=PMh(B $B$?!#%R%s%t%#%k(B($B%+%s%H%s!&%D%e!<%j%C%R(B)$B$N%4%_>F5Q>l$K$O!">F5Q%4%_$+$i6b(B $BB0$@$1$G$J$/Hs>o$K9b2A$J6bB0$5$(2s<}=PMh$k!"@$3&$K0l$D$7$+L5$$5!3#$,@_(B $BCV$5$l$F$$$k!#$3$&$$$&GX7J$+$i!VET;T9[;3!W$H>N$5$l!"%+%s%H%s!&%D%e!<%j(B $B%C%R$O!VET;T9[;3$N@$3&%A%c%s%T%*%s!W$H8@$o$l$F$$$k!#%D%e!<%j%C%R;T$K:_(B $B$k%O!<%2%s%[%k%D$N%4%_>F5Q>l$OBgNL$N%4%_$r>F5Q$7$F$$$k$,!"$=$l$G$b>F5Q(B $B$5$l$?%4%_$+$iG/4V(B43,000$B%H%s$N9[^h$,:G=*E*$K;D$k!#9[^h$O%H%i%C%/$G%R%s(B $B%t%#%k$N%4%_>F5Q>l$K1?$P$l!"$$$o$f$k!VET;T9[;3!W$G=hM}$5$l$k!#9[^h$+$i(B $B<'@P$d $BF/NL$N%Q%i%G%#%&%`$H6d$b4^$^$l$F(B $B$$$k!#$7$+$7$3$l$^$G(B2,000$B%H%s$,GQ4~Kt$O:FMxMQ$5$l$:$K;D$5$l$F$$$k!#E7(B $BA3$N9[;3$+$iCj=P$9$k$h$j6bB0$N:FMxMQ$NJ}$,4pK\E*$K@8BV7O$KIiC4$r$+$1$J(B $B$$!#$$$o$f$k!VET;T9[;3!W$N=EMW@-$O;}B3E*$KA}$7$F$*$j!"%+%s%H%s!&%D%e!<(B $B%j%C%R$O:#$3$NJ,Ln$G@$3&$N@h6nE*Lr3d$rC4$C$F$$$k!#$3$N0Y$K%D%e!<%j%C%R(B $B;T$O$*$h$=(B4$B@iK|%9%$%9%U%i%s$rEj$8$F!">F5Q%4%_$r?e$GNd5Q$9$k$N$G$O$J$/!"(B $B%Y%k%H%3%s%Y%"$N>e$K:\$;$FNd$d$9J*N.%[!<%k$r7z@_$7$?!#%R%s%t%#%k$NFC $B$5$l$?9[^h$GM"AwHq$,BgI}$K:o8:=PMh$?!#6bB02s<}=hM}AuCV$,L5$1$l$P!"6b$O(B $B=hJ,>l$KKd$a$i$l$F$$$?!#!VET;T9[;3!W$O3N$+$K9b2A$@$,!"%(%3%m%8!<$N4QE@(B $B$+$i$@$1$G$J$/!"2s<}$5$l$?6bB0$O;T>l2A3J$GGd5Q=PMh$k$N$G!"$=$l$@$1$N2A(B $BCM$O$"$k!#(B($B=PE8!'(B2017$BG/(B5$B7n(B17$BF|IU%?!<%2%9!&%"%s%D%!%$%,!<;f(B & 20$BJ,;f%*(B $B%s%i%$%sHG(B) $BL@<#$N6aBe2=;:6H0d;:!!>.:d9[;3;vL3=j!J=EMWJ82=:b!K!'(B http://www.town.kosaka.akita.jp/kozan/ $B>.:d@=O#!'(B https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%8F%E5%9D%82%E8%A3%BD%E9%8C%AC $B9q:];q8;Bg3X9;!'(B http://www.minetec.org/Pages/MINETECHOME.aspx In 2016, the City of Zurich was able to recover more than 25 kilograms of gold from the incinerated waste, the so-called slag. In the waste incineration plant in Hinwil (Canton ZH) stands a world-wide unique machine, which can recover from the burned waste, metals, even very valuable metals. In that context is spoken of "Urban Mining" and the Canton of Zurich is said to be "World Champion in Urban Mining". The "Hagenholz" waste incineration plant in the City of Zurich burns large amounts of waste; out of the incinerated waste remains, however 43,000 tons of slag per year. The so-called slag is transported by truck to the waste incineration plant in Hinwil, where the so-called "Urban Mining" is carried out. From the slag is recovered a total of 4,000 tons by filtering, by the use of magnets and by hand. The bulk of the "recovered material" was iron and steel, but also non-ferrous metals, aluminum, copper, zinc or lead are among it. Smaller quantities of palladium and silver came also out of it. So far, about 2,000 tons of material have however remained; it had to be disposed of and wasn't recycled. The recycling of metals is much more ecological than their extraction from natural ores. The importance of so-called "Urban Mining" continues to grow, and the Canton of Zurich has now become a worldwide pioneer in this field. For that purpose, the City of Zurich built a logistics hall for almost CHF 40 Mio. where the incinerated waste is now no longer cooled by water, but it is conveyed and cooled on conveyor belts. For the metal recovery in the special plant in Hinwil the slag must be dry. Based on the now lower weight of the slag, the transport costs have been significantly reduced. Without the processing plant (metal recovery), the gold would have been disposed of on a dump. "Urban Mining" is however expensive, but it is worth it, not only from the ecological point of view, but also because the recycled metals can be sold at market prices. Im Jahr 2016 konnte die Stadt Zuerich aus dem verbrannten Abfall, der so-genannten Schlacke mehr als 25 Kilogramm Gold zurueckgewinnen. In der Kehricht-Verbrennungsanlage in Hinwil (Kt. ZH) steht eine weltweit einmalige Maschine, welche aus dem verbrannten Abfall, Metalle, sogar sehr wertvolle Metalle zurueckgewinnen kann. In diesem Zusammenhang wird von "Urban Mining" gesprochen und der Kanton Zuerich soll "Weltmeister im Urban Mining" sein. Die Kehricht-Verbrennungsanlage Hagenholz in der Stadt Zuerich verbrennt grosse Mengen an Abfall; vom verbrannten Abfall bleibt jedoch am Ende noch 43'000 Tonnen Schlacke uebrig pro Jahr. Die so-genannte Schlacke wird mit Lastwagen in die Kehricht-Verbrennungsanlage in Hinwil transport, wo das so-genannte "Urban Mining" durchgefuehrt wird. Aus der Schlacke wird durch Sieben, mit Magneten und von Hand insgesamt 4'000 Tonnen zurueckgewonnen. Der groesste Teil des "zurueckgewonnen Materials" war Eisen und Stahl, es waren jedoch auch Nicht-Eisenmetalle, Aluminium, Kupfer, Zink oder Blei darunter. Kleinere Mengen an Palladium und Silber waren auch dabei. Bisher blieben jedoch etwa 2'000 Tonnen Material zurueck, welches entsorgt und nicht wieder-verwertet wurde. Metalle wiederzuwerten (recycling) ist wesentlich oekologischer, als deren Gewinnung aus natuerlichen Erzen. Die Bedeutung des so-genannten "Urban Mining" nimmt weiter laufend zu und der Kt. Zuerich hat jetzt in diesem Bereich weltweit eine Vorreiter-Rolle. Fuer diesen Zweck baute die Stadt Zuerich fuer fast 40 Mio. CHF eine Logistik-Halle, wo die verbrannten Abfaelle jetzt nicht mehr mit Wasser gekuehlt werden, sondern ueber Foerderbaender gefuehrt und erkaltet werden. Fuer die Metall-Rueckgewinnung in der speziellen Anlage in Hinwil muss die Schlacke trocken sein. Durch das jetzt geringere Gewicht der Schlacke haben sich die Transport-Kosten deutlich reduziert. Ohne Aufbereitungs-Anlage (Metall-Rueckgewinnung) waere das Gold auf einer Deponie entsorgt worden. "Urban Mining" ist zwar aufwendig, aber es lohnt sich, nicht nur aus oekologischer Sicht, sondern auch weil die wiederverwerteten Metalle zu Markt-Preisen verkauft werden koennen. https://zar-ch.ch/en/home/vision/ (Quelle: Tages-Anzeiger print & 20min.ch vom 17.05.2017) http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/zuerich/story/25-Kilo-Gold-aus-dem-Zuercher-Muell-gesammelt-20771407 http://kofu-zup.ch/asp/db/pdf/ZUP81-15_Abfallplanung.pdf https://zar-ch.ch/en/home/competencesprojects/dry-discharge/ https://www.srf.ch/news/regional/zuerich-schaffhausen/goldgraeberstimmung-in-hinwil http://www.town.kosaka.akita.jp/kozan/ Kosaka Seiren$B!'(B https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%8F%E5%9D%82%E8%A3%BD%E9%8C%AC International Institute for Mining Technology: http://www.minetec.org/Pages/MINETECHOME.aspx 4) $B:#=5$N%K%e!<%9!&%U%i%C%7%e(B $B!z(B $B%9%$%9$N%7%e%?%I%i! Rollout of new Swiss Made High Speed Train by Swiss Stadler Rail. $B?7$7$$!V%9%$%9$N?744@~!W$O%9%$%94k6H!V%7%e%?%I%i! $B$+(B23$B%v7n$G3+H/!&7z@_$5$l!"$3$l$O?75-O?!#:#=5=i$N%9%$%9@=9bB.Ns $B%9%j(B($BLT6YN`(B)$B!W$H$$$&0UL#!#?7$7$$%9%$%9$NNs $B%9@=Ns The new "Swiss Shinkansen" was developed and built by the Swiss company "Stadler Rail" in just only 23 months, which is an unique record. This week, the first Swiss Made high-speed train was handed over to Swiss railways SBB. The train carries the name "Giruno", which means "Buzzard" in Rhaeto-Romanic. The new Swiss train travels through Switzerland and Europe at 250 kilometers per hour. It is equipped with WLAN, there are compartments for bicycles and luggage and a new WC (toilet) for women only. The new train has a length of 200 meters, has 403 seats and 286 standing places. Swiss Railways SBB has purchased 29 trains for nearly one billion Swiss francs at Stadler Rail. The trains will later be given to the names of the 26 Swiss Cantons. The Swiss "Giruno" replaces the Italian "Cisalpino", which was known for its break-downs. (Quelle: 20min.ch vom 18.05.2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0jL4xQzdZY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W5yE7DgZtg http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/news/story/Erster-Schweizer-Super-Schnellzug-enthuellt-17406169 http://www.zugerzeitung.ch/nachrichten/bilder/anlaesse/Giruno-der-neue-Gotthard-Zug;cme178792,1241983 https://www.srf.ch/news/wirtschaft/von-spanien-bis-japan-das-sind-die-schnellsten-zuege-der-welt http://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/giruno-ersetzt-cisalpino-ein-zug-mit-wlan $B!z(B $B%9%$%9$N%7%e%?%I%i! Major railway order for Swiss "Stadler Rail" from Liverpool. $B%9%$%9$NE4F; $B4V$NJ] $BK|%9%$%9%U%i%sAjEv!#99$KDI2C $B4V$r(B10%$BC;=L$7!"N95R?t$r(B60%$BA}$d$9!#:rG/4{$K1Q9q$+$i$NCmJ8$G!"0l3g(B58$BBf$*(B $B$h$=(B6$B2/(B1$B@iK|%]%s%I!"Ls(B7$B2/(B6$B@iK|%9%$%9%U%i%sAjEv$r1Q9qE4F;2q The Swiss railway manufacturer "Stadler Rail" is constructing 52 brand new, state-of-the-art, metro trains for the suburban railway network of the City of Liverpool in England and provides maintenance for them for a period of 35 years as from 2020. The order comes from the traffic authority "Merseytravel". The new Swiss trains replace one of the oldest fleets in Great Britain. The contract with Stadler Rail has a value of 700 million pounds ca. 873 Mio. CHF. There is an option to purchase another 60 trains. The new trains will reduce the travel time by 10% and increase the capacity for passengers by 60%. Already last year, there was a UK-order for 58 trains of the type Flirt for 610 million pounds approx. 760 Mio. CHF from the British railway operator "Abellio East Anglia". And in March 2016, the first order from Scotland for the supply of 17 metro trains for the "Glasgow Subway" came in. (Quelle: tagesanzeiger.ch vom 16.02.2017) http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/wirtschaft/unternehmen-und-konjunktur/Stadler-zieht-MillionenAuftrag-in-Liverpool-an-Land/story/12660011 http://www.stadlerrail.com/en/meta/news-media/article/stadler-signs-contract-build-and-maintain-52-metro-trains-liverpool-city-region/ https://www.merseytravel.gov.uk/about-us/Pages/New-Trains-For-Merseyrail.aspx http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/merseytravel-reveals-new-460m-train-12332902 $B!z(B $B%9%$%9$N?74)!V%j%W%V%j!<%/;o!W$,(B1$BF|$G(BCHF100$BK|=86b(B New Swiss Newspaper Project "Republic" gets CHF 1 million in one day. $B?7$7$$FHN)7O$N%G%8%?%k;o!V%l%W%V%j!<%/!W$,!"%/%i%&%I%U%!%s%G%#%s%0$G(B1 $BF|$GI4K|%9%$%9%U%i%s=8$a$?!#H/9T $B$N%8%c!<%J%j%9%H$,2C$o$j!"$=$NCf$K85%?!<%2%9!&%"%s%D%!%$%,!<;f$N%8%c!<(B $B%J%j%9%H!"%3%s%9%?%s%F%#%s!&%6%$%W%H$b5o$k!#!V%l%W%V%j!<%/!W$OFHN)%8%c(B $B!<%J%j%:%`$N%*%s%i%$%s!&%^%,%8%s!#(B The makers of a new, independent, digital newspaper magazine "Republik" received CHF 1 million in one day with their "crowdfunding" project. The magazine makers looked for 3,000 people who were willing to pay CHF 240 for an annual subscription to the new magazine "Republik". Private investors contributed 3.5 million CHF, that resulted into a starting capital of CHF 4.2 million for the new media project. The crew consists of nearly a dozen journalists, among them the former Tages-Anzeiger journalist Constantin Seibt. "Republik", online magazine for independent journalism. (Quelle: tagesanzeiger.ch from 26.04.2017) https://www.republik.ch/ http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/zuerich/stadt/die-republik-ist-gegruendet/story/21597727 https://project-r.construction/newsletter/2017-04-12-republik $B!z(B $B%9%$%9!&%]%9%H$O8=:_@$3&%i%s%-%s%0(B1$B0L(B Switzerland's Post, is the "Best Post" of the World in the actual ranking. $B%m%7%"3WL?$N;XF3 $B0L!#B3$$$F%U%i%s%9$,(B94.7$B%]%$%s%H$G(B2$B0L!"(B3$B0L$OF|K\$G(B94.1$B%]%$%s%H!#%I%$%D(B $B$O(B5$B0L$G(B92$B%]%$%s%H!"%*!<%9%H%j%"$O(B10$B0L$G(B77$B%]%$%s%H!#@$3&G[C#LV$N%+%F%4(B $B%j!<$G$N$_Cf9q$,(B1$B0L$G!"$=$l0J30$N%+%F%4%j!<$O%9%$%9$,A4$F(B1$B0L!#K|9qM9JX(B $BO"9g$O@$3&(B170$B%+9q$NM9JXAH?%$r?.Mj@-!"=EMW@-!"G[C#6h0h!"CFNO@-$N4QE@$+(B $B$iD4::$7$?!#(B Even the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was a great admirer of the Swiss Post; he described it as a model for the Soviet Union. According to the current ranking of the "Universal Postal Union (UPU)", the Swiss Post is the world No. 1 with 100 points. Followed far behind by France as No. 2 with 94.7 points and No. 3 is Japan with 94.1 points. Germany is ranked as No. 5 with 92 points and Austria is No. 10 with 77 points. Only in the category global coverage China is at the top, in all other categories the Swiss Post is top. The "Universal Postal Union (UPU)", investigated 170 post organizations around the world in terms of reliability, importance, coverage and resilience. (Quelle: blick.ch vom 19.05.2017) http://www.upu.int/en/the-upu/strategy/2ipd.html http://www.blick.ch/news/wirtschaft/100-punkte-fuer-die-schweiz-unsere-post-ist-die-beste-der-welt-id6704112.html http://www.handelszeitung.ch/unternehmen/studie-schweizer-post-ist-die-zuverlaessigste-der-welt-1406572 $B(,%9%$%9$N NZZ = Neue Zuercher Zeitung$B!J%9%$%9FH8l7P:Q;f!K(B cash =$B!J%*%s%i%$%s!&%S%8%M%9;f!K(Bhttp://www.cash.ch/ 20min = 20min Pendler Zeitung$B!J(B20$BJ,!'DL6P SRF1 = $B%9%$%98x6&J|Aw(BTV$B!'(Bhttp://www.tagesschau.sf.tv/ $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Travel, Events, Others / $BN99T!&:E$7J*!&$=$NB>![(B $B!z(B Reminder: JAPAN Day Duesseldorf (Germany) 2017. (Info) $B%G%e%C%;%k%I%k%U$NF|K\%G!<(B Save the date: On May, 20, 2017. http://www.japantag-duesseldorf-nrw.de/ http://www.japantag-duesseldorf-nrw.de/jp/ $B!z(B 10% Sale Campaign at Nishi Japan Shop Zurich "Honten" (Info) $B%D%e!<%j%C%R!'!V@>!W%8%c%Q%s%7%g%C%WK\E9$G(B10%$B Schaffhauserstrasse 120. Details at: http://www.nishishop.ch Summer Break 2017 from July 17 to August 1, 2017. $B!z(B "Big in Japan". Japanese Design- and Eating Culture (Info) NZZ$B;f!VF|K\$N%G%6%$%s$H?)J82=!WFCJLHG(B Special report at Zurich Newspaper NZZ (Bellevue-NZZ). Details here: https://bellevue.nzz.ch/kochen-geniessen/japanisch-design-und-esskultur-big-in-japan-ld.1293297 https://bellevue.nzz.ch/kochen-geniessen/lokaltipp-restaurant-usagiyama-ld.1293309 $B!z(B "Digital Detox" at the wheel, when driving by car. (Info) $B1?E>Cf$N!V%G%8%?%k!&%G%H%C%/%9!W%K%C%5%s$,3+H/!#(B Nissan developed the so-called "Nissan Signal Shield Compartment". It is built in at the "Nissan Juke". US-Study of 2014: 98% of the 1,000 questioned drivers said that "text and drive" is extremely dangerous. Find out more: http://www.20min.ch/auto/fahrberichte/story/Nissan-sperrt-Smartphone-ins-fahrende--Gefaengnis--13208372 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2017/05/03/nissan-builds-signal-blocker-cars-eliminate-phone-distractions/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76W_gVh2OVo $B!z(B Brand New Swiss 20 Francs Banknote (bill) available now. (Info) $B?7;%(B20$B%9%$%9%U%i%s$,EP>l!#(B The Swiss National Bank (SNB) has put into circulation the new red-colored Swiss 20 Francs bill on May 17, 2017. The bill is available immediately: Details here: http://www.20min.ch/diashow/diashow.tmpl?showid=62372 https://www.snb.ch/en/iabout/cash/series9/id/cash_series9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWmCwuGMHLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L6tGNSNuxg $B!z(B "PC-tipp" Test-Winner: Brother "All-in-One Inkjet". (Info) $B%V%i%6!<@=(B "All-in-One Inkjet" $B$,%F%9%H!&%&%#%J!<(B Japan's Brother MFC-J6930DW became the Test-Winner of PC-tipp. The ideal printer for every Small Office. Details here: https://www.brother.ch/de-ch/testsieger https://www.brother.ch/de-ch/drucker/all-in-one-tintenstrahldrucker/mfc-j6930dw https://www.brother.co.uk/printers/inkjet-printers/mfc-j6930dw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJdF412tijY $B!z(B Doggy Bag becomes accepted also at Swiss restaurants (Info) $B;D$jJ*$N$*;}$A5"$jMQ!V%I%.! It becomes common to have the leftovers pack into a "doggy bag" at a restaurant and to bring it back home. The so-called "Doggy Bag" is largely common in the USA. In the past to ask for a doggy bag (food container) was considered bad style. http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/news/story/-Gaeste-nehmen-ihre-Essensreste-vermehrt-mit--18299885 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foam_food_container $B!z(B Two Swiss participated on the North Pole Marathon 2017. (Info) 2017$BG/KL6K%^%i%=%s$K(B2$B?M$N%9%$%9?M$,;22C!#I9E@2<(B30$BEY0J2<$r<@Av!#(B Watch the Crazy North Pole Marathon with temperatures below 30 Centigrades. http://www.zugerzeitung.ch/nachrichten/zentralschweiz/zug/Ein-Marathon-durchs-ewige-Eis;art9648,1017284 http://www.npmarathon.com/html/race-info/5.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ERWKnEQx2w https://de-de.facebook.com/npmarathon/ $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Noteworthy Information / $BCmL\>pJs(B $B![(B $B!z(B $B<+M3E^!'>.Bt0lO:BeI=!&;3K\B@O:BeI=!!DjNc6&F15- $B!z(B $B<+M3E^!'?9$f$&;R!VB>?M;v$8$c$J$$!*6&KE:a(B($B%F%mEy=`Hw:a(B)$B$N62I]!W35MW(B http://www.mori-yuko.com/activity/files/170518_6.pdf $B!z(B $BF|K\?MI,D0!*;3Hx$7$*$j!'6bEDK!L3Bg?C$NIT?.G$Ds0F $B=01!!&K\2q5D(B ($BA4(B43$BJ,(B) 2017$BG/(B5$B7n(B18$BF|(B |