$B!z(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,!z(B $B(-(B $B(-!!(BMultilingual Internet Mail Magazine $B(-!!(BWeekly Swiss News Headlines $B(-!!%&%$!<%/%j! $B(-!!!Z(BNo. 521 - August 23, 2011 (Heisei 23-nen)$B![(B $B(-!!(Bhttp://www.swissjapanwatcher.ch $B(-(B $B!z(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,!z(B $B!Z(B Important Information / $B=EMW>pJs(B $B![(B Distribution service of <Melmal> was stopped before the middle of August, 2011 already. Please register your subscription to another distribution system below instead of. <$B$a$k$^$k(B> $B$NG[?.%5!<%t%#%9$,(B2011$BG/(B8$B7nCf=\$G=*N;$7$F$$$^$9!#(B $BKvHxG[?.%5%$%H$+$i:FEPO?$7$F9XFI$r7QB3$7$F2<$5$$!#(B $B!!!ZL\ $B!!(B1) 2011$BG/%8%e%M!<%t:W!"(B180$BK|?M$N?M=P(B $B!!(B2) $B%9%$%9$N%^%&%s%F%s%P%$%/!"%R%^%i%d$G9bEY?75-O?(B $B!!(B3) $B:dLP;a!"DjAC<0$K=P@J(B $B!!(B4) $B%9%$%97P:Q!'%/%j!<%s5;=Q$KBg$-$J2DG=@-(B $B!!(B5) $B%9%/!<%k%P%9$,FsK\B-$GMh$k(B $B!!(B6) $BGq86H/1?E>:F3+(B $B!!(B7) $BJ!ED7I;R$K=@F;$N:G9bCJ0L(B $B!!(B8) $B!V%9%$%9!W!J9R6u2q $B!!!z(B Travel, Events, Others / $BN99T!&:E$7J*!&$=$NB>(B $B!!!z(B Internet useful web-sites / $B%$%s%?!<%M%C%HJXMx%5%$%H(B $B!!!z(B Proverbs of the Week / $B:#=5$N8A(B $B!!!z(B Japan Travelogue 2010 / 2010$BG/F|K\N99TCL(B $B!!!z(B from Editor's Room / $BJT=88e5-(B $B"#(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,"#(B 1) 2011$BG/%8%e%M!<%t:W!"(B180$BK|?M$N?M=P(B Geneva Festival 2011 watched by 1,8 Mio. visitors. Fetes de Geneve 2011 mit 1,8 Mio. Besuchern. (Sun. 14.08.2011 Smi) $BM-L>$J!V%8%e%M!<%t:W!W$O:#=5KvBg$-$J2V2P$rBG$A>e$2$FJDKk$7$?!#2V2P$r(B $B8+$KLs(B50$BK|?M$,=8$^$C$?$,!"?t=54VB3$$$?$*:W$j$K$OMM!9$J:E$7$,$"$j!"Am(B $B7W(B180$BK|?M$,%8%e%M!<%t$rK,$l$?!#:#2s$N!VL>M@%2%9%H9q!W$O%$%s%I!# $B%9%U%i%s$,M}M3$H$7$F5s$2$i$l$k!#$^$?:#G/$N(B8$B7n$OCG?)7n$N!V%i%^%@%s!W$K(B $B$"$?$j!"Cf6aEl$+$i$N5R$,Mh$J$+$C$?!# The famous <Geneva Festival> (Fetes de Genève) has ended (last) at the weekend with a huge fireworks; that event alone was visited by about 500,000 people. Overall 1.8 million visitors came to Geneva in order to see the festival which lasted several weeks and offered different kind of events; <Honor-Guest> country was this time India. According to information by the organizers, there were a little bit less visitors compared to previous years; reasons for that are said to be the <strong> Swiss currency for foreign guests and besides, in August was this year the <fasting month> <Ramadan>, that is why guests from the Middle East stayed away. On the whole, the organizers were however satisfied and there were no <major> incidents recorded. Das bekannte <Fetes de Geneve> ging am Wochenende mit einem riesigen Feuerwerk zu Ende; dieses allein wurde von zirka 500 000 Leuten besucht. Insgesamt kamen 1,8 Millionen Besucher nach Genf um das mehrere Wochen dauernde Festival mit verschiedenen Veranstaltungen zu sehen; <Ehren-Gastland> war diesmal Indien. Gemaess Angabe der Veranstalter gab es etwas weniger Besucher als in frueheren Jahren; als Gruende dafuer werden der <starke> Schweizer Franken fuer auslaendische Gaeste genannt und zudem war im August der Fastenmonat <Ramadan>, weshalb Gaeste aus dem Nahen Osten weg blieben. Die Veranstalter waren insgesamt zufrieden und es gab keine <groesseren> Zwischenfaelle. (Quelle: NZZ Online vom 14.08.2011) http://www.fetes-de-geneve.ch/en/index.php 2) $B%9%$%9$N%^%&%s%F%s%P%$%/!"%R%^%i%d$G9bEY?75-O?(B Swiss mountain bike altitude record in The Himalayas. Schweizer <Bike> Hoehen-Rekord im Himalaja. (Wed. 17.08. 2011 Smi) $B65;U$G!V%^%&%s%F%s%P%$%/!W%H%i%Y%k%,%$%I$N%9%$%9?M$,!"$3$N$[$I%^%&%s(B $B%F%s%P%$%/$K$h$k?75-O?$rEI$jBX$($?!#%R%^%i%d;33YCOBS$NI89b(B6,175$B%a!<(B $B%H%k$N;3D:$r=i$a$F%P%$%/$GF'GK$7$?!#I89b(B5,400$B%a!<%H%k$N%Y!<%9%-%c%s(B $B%W$+$i(B8$B;~4V$+$+$C$?!#(B6,000$B%a!<%H%k$rD6$($k$H!"6K$a$FFq$7$$CO7A$K$J$j(B $B!"!V;@AGNL!W$OItJ,E*$K(B60$B!s0J2<$K$J$C$?!#(B2010$BG/$K $B8u$HBg9??e$N$?$a$K?tI4?M$,L?$rMn$H$7$?!#F1%9%$%9?M$O$=$N8eHo32$KAx$C(B $B$?CO0h$N=;L1$N$?$a$K!"!V(BLadakh $BJ)65ELO"LA!W$H6(NO$7$F1g=u%W%m%8%'%/(B $B%H$r@_N)$7$?!#!J(B2011$BG/(B8$B7n(B17$BF|IU$1%?!<%2%9!&%"%s%D%!%$%,!<;f$h$j!K(B A Swiss teacher and <mountain bike> travel guide achieved recently a new world record with the <mountain bike>; he was the first human <to cycle up> to the top of the mountain with an altitude of 6,175 meters above sea level in The Himalayas. The mountain peak is nameless and it is located near the Indian-Tibetan border in The Himalayas Mountains. His tour started from the base camp located on an altitude of 5,400 meters and took eight hours; as from an altitude of 6,000 meters, the ground became extremely difficult and the oxygen saturation was partly less than 60%. In the year 2010, his first attempt together with a photographer failed; then, there was storm and snowfall. Due to thunderstorms and extreme floods then, many hundred people died in The Western Himalayas region. After this, the Swiss founded an aid project for the affected local people; this project is in co-operation with the <Ladakh Buddhist Association>. Ein Schweizer Lehrer und <Mountain bike> - Reiseleiter stellte kuerzlich einen neuen Weltrekord mit dem <Mountain bike> auf; er <radelte> als erster Mensch auf eine Bergspitze mit einer Hoehe von 6 175 Metern ueber Meer im Himalaja. Der Berggipfel ist namenlos und befindet sich an der indisch-tibetischen Grenze im Himalaja-Gebirge. Seine Fahrt ab dem Basislager auf einer Hoehe von 5 400 Metern dauerte acht Stunden; ab einer Hoehe von 6 000 Metern wurde das Gelaende aeusserst schwierig und die <Sauerstoff-Saettigung> betrug teilweise weniger als 60%. Im Jahr 2010 war sein erster Versuch zusammen mit einem Fotograf gescheitert; es gab damals Stuerme und Schneefall. Bei Unwettern und extremen Ueberschwemmungen starben in der westlichen Himalaja-Region damals viele hundert Menschen. Die Schweizer gruendeten darauf hin ein Hilfsprojekt fuer die betroffene lokale Bevoelkerung; dies in Zusammenarbeit mit der <Ladakh Buddhist Association>. (Quelle: Tages-Anzeiger vom 17.08.2011) http://www.mountainbike6000.com/ http://www.mountainbike6000.com/ueber-laras.html http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauerstoffs%C3%A4ttigung 3) $B:dLP;a!"DjAC<0$K=P@J(B Foundation stone ceremony with Ban Shigeru. Grundstein-Legung mit Ban Shigeru. (Sat. 20.08.2011 Smi) $B:#=5%A%e!<%j%R$G$O!"!V%?%a%G%#%"=PHG $B!VJQ$o$C$?!W7zJ*$O%A%e!<%j%R;T$K$H$C$F!V7zC[$NK-$+$5!W$r>]D'$9$k$3$H(B $B$K$J$k!#7zC[$,;O$^$C$??7 $B$r;H$&$3$H$J$/!"CHK<$7Nd5Q$b$G$-$k!V%,%i%92C9)$7$?LZB$7zC[!W!#7z@_Hq(B $B$OLs(B5$B@iK|%9%$%9%U%i%s$G!"(B2013$BG/=i$a$K$O?7 This week the foundation stone ceremony for the new office building of the <Tamedia> publishing house took place in Zurich; <Tamedia> is among others the publisher of the newspaper <Tages-Anzeiger>. The Japanese Star-Architect Ban Shigeru and representatives of the media enterprise participated on the ceremony. The <extraordinary> building is called to be a <architectural enrichment> for the City of Zurich. The building presently under construction will provide more than 300 working places and the construction method of the Japanese architect is unusual; there will be built a <vitrified timber structure>, which is heated and cooled WITHOUT CO2-output (carbon dioxide) and WITHOUT nuclear power electricity. The construction cost shall be about 50 Mio. Swiss Francs and the building will be completed the beginning of 2013. Diese Woche fand in Zuerich die Grundstein-Legung fuer das neue Geschaeftshaus des <Tamedia-Verlages> statt; <Tamedia> ist unter anderem Herausgeberin der Zeitung <Tages-Anzeiger>. Der japanische Star-Architekt Ban Shigeru und Vertreter des Medien-Unternehmens nahmen an der Zeremonie teil. Das <aussergewoehnliche> Gebaeude wird als <architektonische Bereicherung> fuer die Stadt Zuerich bezeichnet. Das derzeit erstellte Buerogebaeude verfuegt ueber 300 Arbeitsplaetze und die Bauart des japanischen Architekten ist ungewoehnlich; es gibt einen <verglasten Holzbau>, welcher OHNE CO2-Ausstoss und OHNE Atom- Strom geheizt und gekuehlt wird. Die Baukosten sollen zirka 50 Mio. Schweizer Franken betragen und anfangs 2013 wird das neue Gebaeude fertiggestellt. (Quelle: Tages-Anzeiger vom 20.08.2011) http://www.shigerubanarchitects.com/ http://www.shigerubanarchitects.com/SBA_WORKS/SBA_PROJECTS/SBA_ PROJECTS_14/SBA_Projects_14.html 4) $B%9%$%97P:Q!'%/%j!<%s5;=Q$KBg$-$J2DG=@-(B Swiss Economy: Major potential in clean-tech business. Schweizer Wirtschaft: Grosse Moeglichkeit bei <Clean-Tech>. (Wed. 17.08. 2011 Smi) $B!V%(%3%N%_!<%9%$%9!W$N0QBw$G9T$o$l$?!"O"K.9)2JBg3X%A%e!<%j%R9;$N7P:Q(B $B%j%5!<%A8&5f=j$ND4::$K$h$l$P!"%9%$%9$N4k6H$O!V4D6-$KM%$7$$!W!JNP$N!K(B $B5;=Q$G!"Bg$-$JH/E8$N2DG=@-$r;}$C$F$$$k!#F1D4::$K$h$k$H!"%9%$%94k6H$N(B 23.5$B!s!"9)6HItLg$K8B$k$H(B32$B!s$N4k6H$,!V%/%j!<%s5;=Q!WJ,Ln$KB0$7$F$$$k(B $B!#@$3&$G$O!V%/%j!<%s5;=Q3W?7!W$O6K$a$FAa$$%9%T!<%I$G?J$s$G$$$k!#(B $B!J(B2011$BG/(B8$B7n(B17$BF|IU$1%?!<%2%9!&%"%s%D%!%$%,!<;f$h$j!K(B According to a study by the Swiss Economic Research Institute (KOF) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich by order of the association <Swiss Economics>, Swiss enterprises have considerable development potential regarding to <environment-friendly> (green) technologies. Referred to the study 23.5% of the Swiss companies belong to the field of <Clean Tech>. In the sector of industry, even 32% of the Swiss enterprises are in that field. Worldwide, <Clean Tech Innovations> have developed extremely fast. http://www.kof.ethz.ch/static_media/upload/filer/public/2011/08 /16/pm_cleantech_en.pdf http://www.swisscleantech.ch/ http://www.cleantech.admin.ch/cleantech/00505/index.html?lang=en Gemaess einer Studie der Konjunktur-Forschungsstelle der ETH Zuerich (KOF) auftrags von <Economiesuisse> verfuegen Schweizer Unternehmen bei <umwelt-freundlichen> (gruenen) Technologien ueber bedeutende Entwicklungsmoeglichkeiten. Laut der Studie gehoeren 23,5% der Schweizer Firmen zum Bereich <Clean-Tech>. Im Bereich der Industrie sind es sogar 32% der Schweizer Unternehmen. Auf der Welt entwickeln sich <Clean-Tech-Innovationen> extrem schnell. (Quelle: Tages-Anzeiger vom 17.08.2011) http://www.cleantech.admin.ch/cleantech/00505/index.html?lang=de 5) $B%9%/!<%k%P%9$,FsK\B-$GMh$k(B The School Bus comes on two feet. Der Schulbus kommt auf zwei Beinen. (Fri. 19.08. 2011 Smi) $B%9%$%9$N%+%s%H%s$NCf$K$O4V$b$J$/D9$$2F5Y$_$N8e!"?73X4|$,:F$S;O$^$k!#(B $B?t@i?M$N;R6!C#$,=i$a$FMDCU1`$d>.3X9;$K9T$/!#%U%i%s%98l7w$G$O0lHLE*$J(B $B!V%Z%G%#%V%9!W$,DL3XO)$rF19T$9$k!#!V%Z%G%#%V%9!W$OB-$GJb$/%9%/!<%k%P(B $B%9$G!"<+F0 $B;~9oI=$N;OH/$H:G=*JX$O3X9;$N $B$^$j!"Fs?M$NBg?M$,0zN($7$F3X9;$^$G0l=o$KJb$$$FDL$&!#;R6!$?$A$NJl?F$+(B $BIc?F$,0zN($r0z$-o$K9%I>$G!"%m!<%6(B $B%s%L;T$G$O$3$N%W%m%8%'%/%H$O4{$K(B1999$BG/$+$i $B$N!V%Z%G%#%V%9@~!W$,$"$j!"?FC#$OBgJQG.?4$K;22C$7$F;R6!$?$A$NDL3XO)$N(B $B0BA4$r3NJ]$7$F$$$k!#!V%Z%G%#%V%91?F0!W$OCO0h$G$b3hH/$K3hF0$7$F$*$j!"(B $BM7$S>l$d;R6!AjCL$r;Y1g$9$kEy$N $B$+$C$?!#!V%Z%G%#%V(B $B%9!W$O!"?F$,;R6!$r<+2HMQ Soon, the school instruction is going to restart in certain Swiss Cantons after the (long) summer vacations; thousands of children will attend for the first time the nursery school or the primary school. In the French part of Switzerland it is usual that the children will be accompanied by the so-called <Pedibus> on their way to school. The <Pedibus> is a school bus on feet and it works according to a timetable with bus stops similar to a motorized school bus. The timetable considers the begin and the end of the school tuition. The children gather together on a meeting point and then the go jointly in company of two adults on foot to the school; mothers and fathers of children take over the duty to accompany the children. In the French part of Switzerland, the <Pedibus> is very popular and in the City of Lausanne, the first project exists already since 1999. There are a total of 39 <Pedibus> lines; the parents are very eager about it taking care of the safety of their children on the way to school. The <Pedibus> movement is also active in the quarters (neighborhood); they organize playgrounds and supported the foundation of a children council. In the German part of Switzerland, there is only little interest in the <Pedibus> despite a campaign in 2009; the <Pedibus> is a reasonable measure against the <parents-taxi>, with which parents bring their children to school by car. Bald faengt der Schulunterricht nach den (langen) Sommerferien in gewissen Schweizer Kantonen wieder an; tausende von Kinder gehen dabei das erste Mal in den Kindergarten oder in die Primarschule. In der franzoesischen Schweiz ist es dabei ueblich, dass die Kinder auf ihrem Schulweg mit dem so-genannten <Pedibus> begleitet werden. Der <Pedibus> ist ein Schulbus auf Fuessen und er funktioniert nach einem Fahrplan mit Haltestellen analog einem motorisierten Schulbus. Der Fahrplan beruecksichtigt dabei den Start und das Ende des Schulunterrichts. Die Kinder sammeln sich an einem Treffpunkt und gehen gemeinsam in Begleitung von zwei Erwachsenen zu Fuss in die Schule; Muetter oder Vaeter von Kindern uebernehmen dabei die Begleitung. In der Westschweiz ist der <Pedibus> sehr beliebt und in der Stadt Lausanne gibt es das Projekt schon seit 1999. Insgesamt bestehen 39 <Pedibus-Linien>; die Eltern sind sehr engagiert und kuemmern sich um die Sicherheit ihrer Kinder auf dem Schulweg. Die <Pedibus-Bewegung> ist ebenfalls in Quartieren aktiv; sie gestaltet Spielplaetze und unterstuetzte die Gruendung eines Kinderrats. In der deutschen Schweiz gibt es trotz einer Kampagne im 2009 nur wenig Interesse am <Pedibus>; der <Pedibus> ist eine sinnvolle Massnahme gegen das <Eltern-Taxi>, mit welchem Eltern ihre Kinder mit dem Auto zur Schule bringen. (Quelle: Tages-Anzeiger vom 19.08.2011) http://www.schulwege.ch/ http://www.schulwege.ch/de/pedibus.html http://www.pedibus.ch/ 6) $BGq86H/1?E>:F3+(B Nuclear Power Plant <Tomari> in operation again. Atomanlage <Tomari> wieder in Betrieb. (Wed. 17.08.2011 Smi) $BKL$NEgKL3$F;$K:_$kGq86H/(B3$B9f5!$N1?E>:F3+$rF|K\@/I\$,>5G'$7$?!#J!Eg$N(B $B86H/;v8N$N8e!"$3$l$,F|K\$G86;RO'$N:F2TF/$,=i$a$F9T$o$l$k%1!<%9$K$J$C(B $B$?!#86;RO'$O?t%v7nA0$+$i4{$KF0$$$F$$$?$,!"8x<0$K$O;n831?E>$N0Y$@$1$H(B $B8@$o$l$F$$$?!#KL3$F;$N9b66$O$k$_CN;v$O86H/$KNY@\$9$k(B4$B$D$N;TD.B<$NBe(B $BI=$HOC$7!"!V86;RO'(B3$B9f5!!W$N1?E>:F3+$K$D$$$F!VH?BP$OL5$+$C$?!W$H8e$K(B $BOC$7$?!#$=$N8e!"C4Ev>J$O4X78$9$k>ZL@=q$r8rIU$7$?!#Ev6I$K$h$k$H!"Ev3:(B $B86;RO'$N0BA4;n83$O$9$Y$F3NG'$5$l$?!#F|K\$G$O!"0l;~E*$K1?E>$rDd;_$7$F(B $B$$$k86H/$N1?E>:F3+$KBP$7$F!"FC$K86H/<~JU=;L1$KH?BP$,A}$($F$$$k!#(B $B!J=PE5!'(B2011$BG/(B8$B7n(B17$BF|IU%?!<%2%9!&%"%s%D%!%$%,!<;f%*%s%i%$%sHG!K(B $B!|KL3$F;CN;v$NNW;~5- http://www.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp/ss/tkk/hodo/kaiken/h23/h230817kaiken.htm http://www.hepco.co.jp/ato_env_ene/atomic/atomic.html The reconnection of <Reactor No. 3> at the nuclear power plant <Tomari> on the Northern Island of Hokkaido was approved by the Japanese Government. After the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, it is the first time that a nuclear reactor in Japan will go into operation again. The reactor was already running for the past months, however officially only for test purpose. The Governor of Hokkaido, Mrs. Takahashi Harumi held talks with representatives of four communes, which are located in the environment of the nuclear power plant. Afterwards, she said that she had <no objections> regarding to a go- ahead for the reconnection of <Reactor No. 3>. The responsible ministry then issued the corresponding certificate; according to the authorities, the reactor concerned had passed all safety tests. In Japan, a growing number of citizens oppose a reconnection of reactors which were temporarily out of operation; in particular communes located in the environment of nuclear power plants. Die Wieder-Inbetriebnahme von <Reaktor Nr. 3> des Atomkraftwerkes <Tomari> auf der noerdlichen Insel Hokkaido wurde von der japanischen Regierung zugelassen. Nach der Nuklear-Katastrophe in Fukushima ist dies das erste Mal, dass ein Atom-Reaktor in Japan wieder in Betrieb geht. Der Reaktor lief bereits seit einigen Monaten wieder, aber offiziell nur fuer Testzwecke. Der Gouverneur von Hokkaido, Frau Takahashi Harumi fuehrte Gespraeche mit Vertretern von vier Gemeinden, welche sich in der Umgebung der Atomanlage befinden und sagte nachher, dass sie <keine Bedenken> habe betreffend einer Genehmigung zur Wieder-Inbetriebnahme des <Reaktor Nr. 3>. Das zustaendige Ministerium stellte nachher das entsprechende Zertifikat aus; gemaess den Behoerden hat der betroffene Reaktor alle Sicherheits-Tests bestanden. In Japan ist eine zunehmende Zahl von Buergern dagegen, dass temporaer ausser Betrieb stehende Reaktoren wieder in Betrieb gehen, insbesondere Gemeinden in der Umgebung von Atomanlagen. (Quelle: Tages-Anzeiger Online vom 17.08.2011) http://www.hepco.co.jp/corporate/ir/ir_lib/pdf/factbook2011.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomari_Nuclear_Power_Plant 7) $BJ!ED7I;R$K=@F;$N:G9bCJ0L(B Highest Judo decoration for Fukuda Keiko. Hoechste Judo-Auszeichnung fuer Fukuda Keiko. (Thu. 18.08.2011 Smi) $BJF9q$GJ!ED7I;R$O;K>e=w@-=i$N=@F;$N:G9bCJ0L(B10$BCJ$K>:CJ$7$?!#(B98$B:P$N!VJ!(B $BED;UHO!W$OF|K\$N;x$NB9$G!"H`=w[)$/!"$3$NMM$JCJ$r $BF;4[AO;O $B!W!#!J=PE5!'(B2011$BG/(B8$B7n(B18$BF|IU(BNZZ$B;f%*%s%i(B $B%$%sHG!K(B In the USA, Fukuda Keiko received as the first woman in the history of the Judo sports, the highest award (decoration) the so-called <10th master belt> (10th Dan). The already 98-years old <Fukuda-shihan> is the grandchild of a Japanese Samurai and she said, that she never in her life had believed to be given that award. Even though, she doesn't fight actively for several years, she still supervises three times a week the training at the <Dojo> in San Francisco (Noe Valley). <Fukuda-shihan> herself trained still under the Judo founder <Kano Jigoro>; before she started with the Judo sports, she was <only> educated in calligraphy (Shodo) and tea ceremony (Chado). The motto of <Fukuda-shihan> is: <Be strong, be gentle, be beautiful>. In den USA erhielt Fukuda Keiko als erste Frau in der Geschichte des Judo-Sports die hoechste Auszeichnung, den so-genannten <zehnten Meisterguertel (10. Dan>. Die bereits 98-jaehrige <Fukuda-shihan> ist die Enkelin eines japanischen Samurai und sie sagte, sie haette nie in ihrem Leben geglaubt, diese Auszeichnung zu bekommen. Obwohl sie bereits seit mehreren Jahren nicht mehr aktiv kaempft, beaufsichtigt sie immer noch dreimal in der Woche das Training im <Dojo> in San Francisco (Noe Valley). <Fukuda-shihan> trainierte selber noch unter dem Judo Gruender <Kano Jigoro>; bevor sie mit dem Judo-Sport begann, war sie <nur> in Kalligraphie und Tee-Zeremonie ausgebildet. Das Motto von <Fukuda-shihan> ist: <Be strong, be gentle, be beautiful>. (Quelle: NZZ Online vom 18.08.2011) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keiko_Fukuda http://judoinfo.com/fukuda.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kan%C5%8D_Jigor%C5%8D 8) $B!V%9%$%9!W!J9R6u2q <Swiss> mit neuem Logo auf dem Flugzeug. (Fri. 19.08.2011 Smi) $B%k%U%H%O%s%6%0%k!<%W$N%9%$%9$N9R6u2q $B$/!"8\5R$K6a$/!W$r6/D4$9$k;v!#$3$l$^$G$N!V%5%$%3%m!&%m%4!W$O!"Hx$S$l(B $B$NCf$K!V%9%$%9==;z!W$rF~$l$?@V$$%m%4$G!">-Mh%9%m!<%,%s!V2f!9$N%5%$%s(B $B$OLsB+!W$,2C$o$k!#$3$N?7$7$$%m%4$O$+$D$F$N!V%9%$%9%(%"!O$K;w(B $B$F$$$k!#(B $B!J=PE5!'(B2011$BG/(B8$B7n(B19$BF|IU%?!<%2%9!&%"%s%D%!%$%,!<;f(B/NZZ$B;f%*%s%i%$%sHG!K(B The Swiss airline company <Swiss>, a member of the <Lufthansa Group>, is going to get a new <logo> (image) on its aircrafts. It is the target that the new <logo> (as from October 2011) shall emphasize the <closeness to Switzerland and to the customers>; the present <cube logo> (image) will be replaced by a red <logo> with <Swiss cross> on the tail fin and additionally, the slogan: <Our sign is a promise> will be printed on the aircraft in the future. The new <logo> shows a certain similarity with the former emblem of the <old> <SWISSAIR>. Die Schweizer Fluggesellschaft <Swiss>, ein Mitglied des <Lufthansa Konzern> kommt mit einem neuen Erscheinungsbild (Logo) auf ihren Flugzeugen. Es ist das Ziel, mit dem neuen Erscheinungsbild (ab Oktober 2011) die <Naehe zur Schweiz und zu den Kunden> zu betonen; das bisherige <Wuerfel-Logo> wird ersetzt mit einem roten Logo mit <Schweizer Kreuz> auf den Heckflossen und zusaetzlich steht inskuenftig der Slogan: <Our sign is a promise> auf dem Flugzeug. Das$B!!(Bneue Logo zeigt eine gewisse Aehnlichkeit mit dem frueheren Emblem$B!!(Bder damaligen <Swissair>. (Quelle: Tages-Anzeiger/NZZ Online vom 19.08.2011) http://www.swiss.com/web/EN/about_swiss/media/press_releases/Pages /pr_20110818.aspx $B(,%9%$%9$N?7J9$+$i(,(B [Swiss media information (Smi)] from: TA = Tages-Anzeiger ($BFH8l7w:GM-NO0lHL;f(B) NZZ = Neue Zuercher Zeitung$B!J@/<#7P:QFH8l:GM-NO;f!K(B BAZ = Basler Zeitung$B!J%P!<%<%kCOJ};f!K(B NeZGZ = Neue Zuger Zeitung ($B%D!<%/COJ};f(B) cash =$B!JL5NA%S%8%M%9;f!K(Bhttp://www.cash.ch/ 20min = 20min Pendler Zeitung$B!J(B20$BJ,!'DL6P $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Travel, Events, Others / $BN99T!&:E$7J*!&$=$NB>![(B $B!z(B KI-Garden Japanese Restaurant & Take away Zug. (Info) $B%D!<%/!'F|K\%l%9%H%i%s!V(BKI-Garden$B!W(B New business hours from 2011/09/01 & new menu card. http://www.ki-garden.ch/index.php?id=158 (Home of Washoku) http://www.washoku.ch/ $B!z(B JSTV (Japan Satellite TV) change of crypto System (Info) JSTV$B$N0E9f%7%9%F%`JQ99(B Find out more and hand in your decoder information. http://www.jstv.co.uk/questionnaire.php http://www.jstv.co.uk/ http://www.jstv.co.uk/cable/swiss.php (cable TV provider country list.) $B!z(B The coming Japanese Tea Ceremonies at Rietberg Museum (Info) $B%j!<%H%%%Y%k%/GnJ*4[!'CcF;%;%_%J!<(B http://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/kultur/de/index/institutionen/museum_ rietberg/agenda/teezeremonien.html http://www.chado.ch/ http://www.chado.ch/html/isshin-an.html $B!z(B The Fresh Fish Market; watch for your nearest shop (Info) $B%9%$%9$NA/5{;T>l%]!<%?%k(B http://www.der-frisch-fisch.ch/site/index.cfm/id_art/18284/ vsprache/de $B!z(B Hiking in Graubuenden & in the Parc Ela (Info) $B%0%i%&%S%e%s%G%s$N%O%$%-%s%0%3!<%9!'(B Parc the biggest Swiss nature parc. http://www.parcela.ch http://www.viasett.ch/sites/index.php?lang=DE&id=1&id2=1 The UNESCO Biosfera of the Val Muestair: http://www.biosfera.ch $B!z(B The Construction fair; for renovation & construction (Info) $B%D%e!<%j%C%R!'=;Bp7zC[!&2~AuE8(B September 1 to 4, 2011; at Messe Zurich. http://www.bauen-modernisieren.ch $B!z(B TOP Quality Shopping in Japan; now & for ever (Info) $B9bIJ 1 CHF = 97,37 JPY (Yen) [2011/08/21]; Quality products <Made in Japan>. Some samples: http://www.e-cale.com/ http://www.daimasu.net/ http://www.wakagu.co.jp/ http://www.shimizumokuzai.jp/ http://www.okomenavi.jp/ http://www.jizakeshop.co.jp/ http://www.goichiwine.co.jp/ $B!z(B The expatriate platform in Switzerland (Info) $B3$30Cs:_ $B!z(B The Biomass Industrial Society Network (BIN) Japan [NPO] $B%P%$%*%^%9;:6H http://www.npobin.net/ (J) $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Internet useful web-sites / $B%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>pJs%5%$%H(B $B![(B $B!z(B $B;y6L65 $B8|@8O+F/4X78$N4pK\;\:v$K4X$9$k7o!JJ| $B!z(B 2011$BG/(B8$B7n(B18$BF|(B($BLZ(B)$B!"(BMBS($BKhF|J|Aw(B)$B%i%8%*$N!V$?$M<,$-%8%c!<%J%k!W(B: $B>.=PM5>O;a!J5~Bg86;RO' $B87L)$KB,Dj$9$l$P62$i$/(B100$B!s!#(B http://hiroakikoide.wordpress.com/ $B!z(B $B4d>e0B?H!'(B2011/08/11 $BKL3$F;Gq86H/(B3$B9f5!1?E>:F3+$K4X$9$k$^$H$a(B http://iwakamiyasumi.com/archives/11825 $B!z(B $B!ZBPCLA0%l%/%A%c!e0B?H!_F#86@aCK(B $B!J8586;RNO0BA44pHW5!9=!"8!::0w6[5^%$%s%?%S%e!<(B(1)$B!K(B $B8x1WDLJs@)EY$,5!G=$7$F$$$J$$!#!VGq86H/$O0BA4@-$K5?Ld$,$"$k$N$G$O(B $B$J$$$+!)$HLdBjDs5/!W!"F#86;a$O:F8[MQ$r5a$a$FL1;vAJ>YDsAJCf!#(B http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/16676853 http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/16677210 (1) http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/16679287 (2) $B!JKL3$F;D#$,4d>eJsF;%9%?%C%U$rK832!*!K(B $B!z(B $BF|4)%2%s%@%$(B2011/8/16$B!'J!Eg86H/<~JU(B40$B%-%m$N=;L1$OHrFq$9$Y$-$@!"(B $BJF9q$N86H/@lLg2H$,6[5^7Y9p(B http://asumaken.blog41.fc2.com/blog-entry-3611.html $B!z(B $BF02h!'(BCNN$B2r@b(B+$BJ!Eg86H/%W%k%H%K%&%`N3;REyKLJF$bHt;6(B!$B%,%$%,!<7WB,(B $BITG=!#J!Eg86(B­$BH/;v8N!"%9%j!<%^%$%k86H/;v8N!"%A%'%k%N%V%$%j;v8N$N;~$K!"(B $B<~JU=;L1$,@e$GE4$NL#$r46$8$F$$$?$N$G$9!#(B http://asumaken.blog41.fc2.com/blog-entry-3562.html $B!z(B $BEl5~EENO!"EENO6!5k>pJs!'(B 2011$BG/(B8$B7n(B20$BF|(B23:00$B:"(B $B;HMQN((B59.8% 2011$BG/(B8$B7n(B21$BF|(B18:00$B:"(B $B;HMQN((B67.0% 2011$BG/(B8$B7n(B22$BF|(B20:00$B:"(B $B;HMQN((B62.8% http://asumaken.blog41.fc2.com/blog-entry-3611.html ($B$I$3$,EENOITB-$J$s$@!)(B) $B!z(B $B86GzEj2 http://homepage.mac.com/ehara_gen/jealous_gay/atomic_bomb.html $B!z(B $B=54V%]%9%H!'C&>.Bt0E9uBeI=A*A4FbKk-`!V>.BtL5:a$NA0$K?{$r9_$m$;!W(B $B$H>G$j$^$/$C$?L1<+8x-aLnEDK\L?!!BgO"N)JsF;$NBgKEN,$rK=$/!*(B http://www.asyura2.com/11/senkyo118/msg/302.html $B!z(B $B9b66@6N4!'!VM9@/2~3W$NCY1d$OJF9q$N05NO!a550f;a$,2q8+$G<(:6!W(B $BM9@/2~3WK!0F$O(B300$BC{1_6a$$M9Cy!&4JJ];q6b$r%O%2%?%+30;q$+$i http://www.janjanblog.com/archives/47754 http://www.asyura2.com/11/senkyo118/msg/224.html [$BJ@;o>o@_?d>)%5%$%H(B] $B!z(B $B>.=PM4>O!J5~Bg=u65 $B!J@5$7$$H=CG$,=PMh$k$h$&$KKhF|0lEY$O%A%'%C%/$7$^$7$g$&!#!K(B $B!z(B $B4d>e0B?H8x<0%5%$%H!'F02h>pJs(B $B>/$7$G$bJP$j$N$J$$!"@53N$J>pJs$r!*(B http://iwakamiyasumi.com/ $B!z(B SF Video Portal:<Tagesschau> ($B%9%$%98x6&J|Aw(BTV$B%K%e!<%9!&%O%$%i%$%H!KKhF|99?7(B http://www.videoportal.sf.tv/sendung?id=c3d7232e-f970-0001-9ae8- 1a50516fa6a0 $B!z(B STOP! Nuclear plants! No More Nuclear plants/ $BC&86H/7O%$%Y%s%H%+%l%s%@!<(B http://datugeninfo.web.fc2.com/ $B!z(B Petition against nuclear power plant / STOP$B86H/!*=pL>%5%$%H(B: http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2130148259763568501 $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Proverbs of the Week / $B:#=5$N8A(B $B![(B $B!Z(BD$B![(BMut ist, wenn man Todesangst hat, aber sich trotzdem in den Sattel schwingt. $B!Z(BE$B![(BCourage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. (John Wayne, US-American actor, 1907/1979) $BM&5$$H$O!";`$N62I]$NCf$K$"$C$F$5$($b0H$K$^$?$,$k;v!#(B $B!Z(BD$B![(BJe mehr Buerger mit Zivilcourage ein Land hat, desto weniger Helden wird es einmal brauchen. $B!Z(BE$B![(BThe more citizens with civil courage a country has, the less heroes it will need once. (Franca Magnani, Italian female journalist, 1925/1996) $BM&5$$"$k;TL1$,B?$$9qDx!"1QM:$OMW$i$J$$!#(B $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B Japan Travelogue 2010 / 2010 $BG/F|K\N99TCL(B $B![(B No. 30: Before boarding the public bus back to the <Heritage Center> parking area, we had a rest drinking <Machia> with a portion of <Anko> sweets. The 2.5 hours car drive back to Matsue-City was a bit hard due to the hot weather and a certain tiredness after the day's walking; on the way back, partly along <Lake Shinji> (shinji-ko), we were able to watch the unique sunset; it is worth coming to <Matsue City> only just to watch the unforgettable sunset. By the way, <Arigato> (thank you) in the local <Matsue-ben> means <dan dan>; that's very sympathetic. The following day, our excursion place is <Izumo Taisha>, about 48 km or 90 minutes by car from <Matsue City>. It was sightseeing and pilgrimage together; first, we went to the <Izumo Taisha> shrine ground. The main building was under construction for renovation work. To be continued (T.H.) http://www.izumooyashiro.or.jp/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izumo-taisha http://ginzan.city.ohda.lg.jp/wh/jp/index.html http://iwamiginzan-guide.jp/ http://www.minami-g.co.jp/minamikan/ http://www.kankou-matsue.jp/ http://www.matsue-horikawameguri.jp/ $B!V@$3&0d;:%;%s%?!l$XLa$k%7%c%H%k%P%9$K>h $B$G>/$7$-$D$+$C$?!#5"$j$NF;Cf!"<5F;8P1h$$$GM $B$NJ}8@$G$O!V$@$s$@$s!W$H8@$$?F$7$_$d$9$$!#MbF|$NM=Dj$O=P1@Bg $B(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(B $B!Z(B from Editor's Room / $BJT=88e5-(B $B![(B 4) $B%9%$%9$G$bF|K\$G$b:F@82DG=%(%M%k%.! $B@Z$C$F$$$k$HJ9$$$F$$$k$,!"$=$l$G$b%^%9%3%_$O@-D($j$bL5$/EENOITB-$r7v(B $BEA$7$F$$$k!#0lBN$I$3$,$I$&EENOITB-$J$N$+!)>pJs3+<($,A4$/IT==J,$@!#$3(B $B$N2FF|K\A49q$GG.Cf>I45 $B$r8+D>$7$F2wE,$J=;4D6-$rAOB$$9$k;v$O!"G|Bg$J7P:Q8z2L$r@8$_$@$9H&$@!#(B $B$3$s$J;v$O:#F|$NF|K\$N5;=Q$G2DG=$NH&$@$,!"K\5$$G $B$b$I$+$7$5$NM>$jG.Cf>I$K$J$j$=$&$@!#$3$NE@!"%9%$%9$N<#@$$NNI$5$O!"=;(B $B4D6-$NNI$5$H6&$K!"@:?@1R@8>e$b $B@/<#2H$KB~5a$a$k$b$N$G$OL5$/!"9qL1$,@/<#2H$KMW5a$9$k$b$N$@$H;W$&!#(B6) $B%M%C%H>e$N>pJs$K$h$k$H!"9b66$O$k$_KL3$F;CN;v$O!"86H/$r4I3m$9$k7P;:>J(B $B=P?H$N8541N=$J$N$G!"=jA'8EAc$N;X<($K=>$&0J30$NA*Br;h$r;}$A9g$o$;$F$$(B $B$J$$$=$&$@!#IY;38)=P?H$N$3$NCN;v$r(B3$B2s$bEvA*$5$;$?KL3$F;L1$O!"Cf1{>J(B $BD#$H$N%Q%$%W$K4|BT$7$F9b66CN;v$rA*$s$@$=$&$@$,!"KL3$F;$N0Y$K$J$i$J$$(B $B?MJ*$rA*$s$G$7$^$C$?;v$r!":#$3$=2y$$$k$Y$-$@$m$&!#Gq86H/$N8!::7k2L$O(B $B2~cb$5$l$F$$$k$H$$$&@lLg2H$N0U8+!"!Z%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>pJs%5%$%H![$N4d>e(B $BF02h%l%]!<%H$G$43NG'$r!#!J(BA.H.$B!K(B Japanese translation: Rika Suzuki (1-4), Akiko Huerlimann (5-10) $B""(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,""(B $B(.(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(/(B $B(-!Z(BDistribution system/$BH/9T%7%9%F%`![(BNumber of readers: 1,613 $B(-(B Subscribe & Unsubscribe / $BEPO?!&2r=|!&%"%I%l%9JQ99(B $B!z(B Mailux:$B!!(Bhttp://www.mailux.com/mm_dsp.php?mm_id=MM49D0B8FB9C4B4 $B!z(B Melma: http://www.melma.com/backnumber_40438/ (J) $B!z(B Melonpan: $B(-(B http://www.melonpan.net/melonpa/mag-detail.php?mag_id=002526 (J) $B!z(B Mag2: http://www.mag2.com/m/0000025024.htm (J) & etc. $B(1(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(0(B $B!z(B Issuer/$BH/9T85(B: Thomas Huerlimann & Editors' Group swiss_news_headlines@bluewin.ch Copyright (C) 1998-2011 Thomas Huerlimann / Weekly Swiss News Headlines (WSNH) $B!z(B Any use of the WSNH-mail magazine without previous permission by the Editor is a violation of the copyright law. Subscribers are not allowed to forward the mail magazine to third parties (non-subscribers)! (WSNH = Weekly Swiss News Headlines) $BK\;f$NE>:\$r4uK>$5$l$k>l9g$O!";vA0$K5vBz4j$$$rJT=8It08%a!<%k$G$*Ld9g$;(B $B2<$5$$!#K\;f$NE>Aw$O$41sN8D:$-$?$/!"Be$o$j$K9XFI$r$*4+$a$7$F2<$5$$!#(B $B!z(B The information is chosen from Swiss media by Thomas Huerlimann; the articles are written with his own words in German and English. Team of Editor's group makes Japanese translation. $B5-;v$O!"%9%$%9$N?7J9!"=54);o!"EE;R%K%e!<%9Ey$+$i%H!<%^%9!&%R%e!<%j%^%s(B $B$, $B(.(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(/(B $B(-!Z(B jp-Swiss-journal $B![(B Sister Mail Magazine $B(-(B $BF1$8$/B?8@8l$NEj9F%(%C%;!O@$rH/9T!#(B Number of readers: 518 $B!z(B Mailux:$B!!(Bhttp://www.mailux.com/mm_dsp.php?mm_id=MM49D642ECE442D $B!z(B Mag2: http://www.mag2.com/m/0000044048.htm $B!z(B Melonpan: $B(-(B http://www.melonpan.net/melonpa/mag-detail.php?mag_id=002537 $B!z(B Melma: http://www.melma.com/backnumber_41022/ & etc. $B(1(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(,(0(B |